Antiques! => Antique Questions Forum => Topic started by: beethoven41 on July 09, 2010, 02:25:54 pm
I hope you can help me identify the manufacturer of a set of iron patio furniture that was my grandmothers. She bought it from a woman in New Jersey 55 years ago and that woman had it for 45 years, for a total of 100 years. I'm going to sell it but first I have to identify it.
The same furniture was used in the movie "The Notebook". When the old Allie is sitting on the lawn by the lake at the nursing home and her children come to see her, she is sitting on the identical iron lawn furniture that I have.
I appreciate any help!
Thank you,
So far have found this......
"19th Century cast iron Britannia table with marble top together with early 20th century set of six wrought iron chairs with ivy leaf decoration and cushion seats."
Appears to have similar ivy and 'S' shaped design.....just nothing shown in the armed chair version.
Thank you!!! With your help, I was able to find this web site: Wrought Iron Patio Set
Now I know exactly what I've got. I really appreciate it!
Great leap from what I found for you to your jackpot! Glad I was able to give some help.
Using your find I located this, thought it might come in handy....although it appears to knock a few years off the 100. :(
BTW, welcome to the forum beethoven41 !
That's great information! I think the story I was always told about my grandmother buying it from someone who had it for 45 years must have been embelleshed over the years. It couldn't be more than about 75-80 years old.
I bought this item on ebay last night to go along with my furniture. It's an original ad from 1949.
And, we have decided to keep it!
Thank you!
Great keeper Angie! Enjoy and keep your information together for future family who "inherit" these great pieces!