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Topics - gravept

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / W.F. Norman Funeral Parking Sign
« on: February 10, 2012, 06:20:31 pm »
Hello!  Posting from the Kansas City area.  In the process of looking for items to go with my hearse for shows, I came across what I believe are W.F. Norman Corp. "Funeral No Parking" stand signs.  I currently have a request in with the company in Nevada, MO to identify them.  Businesses tend to be a little slow on responses to requests for anything other than sales though, so I'm looking at other avenues.  Is anyone aware of any dealers that may deal specifically, or marginally in funerary items I could contact?
In the mean time, I'll post a link to the photo, which also includes some smaller signs that I might be interested in information on as well:

Thanks ahead!
Brian in Independence

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