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Topics - gump47371

Pages: [1]
Hi, everyone. Just found this forum while I was looking for some information on a piece that a friend has from a family member's house.It is a buffet (I think that is the right word?) that is very unique in that it has a curved glass door in fron that pivots out toward the front. The glass is still intact.

Below that, there are two drawers that are felt lined, I'm assuming for silverware.

On the bottom, there are two doors with a glass design in them. As the close up shows, there is a piece that has come out, but the piece is still available. There is also a crack in one piece, but it hasn't fallen out.

It is a little rough, and would probably need restored to have much value. As one picture shows, the decoration (not sure what the term for it is) on top has some damage to it.

They are looking for a rough estimate  on the value. I am really just helping them find some information about it. They aren't sure of the origin, as the family member bought it at a garage sale when they were kids.

I appreciate any information that can be provided, and I can try to give more information. However, I was just home for the weekend, and live a few hours away from where it is located. I only got to look at it for a few mins, but can share what I remember. Thanks!

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