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Topics - Gizmo

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Larson Painting, any info?
« on: May 09, 2010, 02:40:23 pm »
Hello all! I picked this up at a yard sale this weekend. The owner didn't have any information on it at all really. She knew it was handpainted but that was all. I don't think it's really all that old, but I'd still like to know a little something about this piece. I know the last name on the painting is Larson, but I can't make out the first letter. Maybe a 'P' or an 'E'? I'm just not sure. I did an online search and didn't come up with anything. If anyone has any information or stumbles across anything that would be great. The painting is about 4" x 6" and is painted on wood and looks to be an oil painting. The frame is pretty neat and I do enjoy the picture, so even if I can't find any information on it, I still feel it was worth the $20.

Antique Questions Forum / Bill Mathews Company?
« on: March 27, 2010, 08:37:43 pm »
Anyone heard of this company? I bought a three wheeler bike for my mom today and it has Bill Matthews Company Laguna Hills California on a little crest on the front. The side says Leisure Line. I know it's not an antique, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding info on this bike company on line. I read a little blurb about Schwinn using Bill Mathews Company brand parts but that they liked to keep that info under wraps. Anyone know anything else?

I bought it at a yard sale for $40, and the man who sold it to me said it used to belong to a little old fellow who rode it all around the Seattle area. They weren't sure how long the man had owned it, but they thought it had been quite some time.

Sorry I don't have any pictures at the moment. My camera is hating me right now. I'll fiddle with it again later. Any help on this one would be great. My mom's birthday is mid-April and I would love any info I could add to this for her.

I rode it down the street, you test it out, and I felt like a giant kid. It was great! It even has a basket, but no bell. I might need to add that on.  :D

Antique Questions Forum / 1799 diary
« on: February 22, 2010, 11:12:08 pm »
For about ten years I've had a nice little leather bound diary in my book collection. I bought it from an older woman who was cleaning out her home and found it in her attic. She wasn't even sure if it had belonged to her or was in the house when she moved in. The diary is dated 1799 and belonged to one Anne Pares. It apparently has her travels around Wales written in it (about a dozen or so pages).

I've stored the piece in a clear plastic bag (not airtight), away from sunlight and with my other books. I don't handle it much, but I wonder if there is anything else I should be doing to help keep this little fellow healthy. The writting inside is in black ink (which is turning a bit grayish brown in places). The pages are turning slightly yellow, but not that much. I guess if it survived in an attic for decades I can't do too much damage, right? Any thoughts?

Antique Questions Forum / Oil painting....Millet?
« on: February 20, 2010, 07:52:54 pm »
This landscape oil painting is done in dusky blue/greens. It measures about 3' long by 2' in height. The right hand corner appears to have the name Millet signed on it. The back has the number 3293 and $39.00 written in black marker (might be from a sale or later auction, or the piece might be a replica). It seems that this piece came out of storage from somewhere as it has a healthy layer of dust and some really fun cobwebs on the back. There is a lot of texture in the painting and some crackling also appears to be setting in. I've tried to pin this to a certain artist but I keep coming up at dead ends. The signature just doesn't seem to match. Any help would be very, very nice!

Antique Questions Forum / George Harvey Etching (added Pictures!)
« on: September 12, 2009, 11:32:32 am »
Greetings! I've recently come across a very large etching signed Geo Harvey 1844 (or it might be 1866, the date is very hard to read). I have been trying to determine who the artist is, but I've run into a bit of a stumbling block.

There is a George W. Harvey who did etchings, but (if I read the date as 1866) he would have only been 11 when this piece was done, so that doesn't work.

Then I found a George Harvey (1800-1878) who could maybe be the artist (I even found a cite that said he sometimes signed his art as Geo. Harvey), but I can't find any information on him doing etching. It looks like he mainly did oil paintings and water colors.

The etching is very large, maybe 30" wide and 20" in height and appears to be of a school house just being dismissed for the day.

This piece appears to be double framed. A large wooden frame had enclosed the golden inner frame (or so it would seem. I have not had the courage to take the outer frame off for a closer look inside.)

Any information on this piece would be wonderful. It has been hanging in one of my main rooms for about a year and I would love to know more about it.

Thank you!

***Sorry, only the direct link for Photobucket is working for me right now.****

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