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Messages - dz187

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Metal pot with spout...?
« on: December 18, 2009, 01:03:54 pm »
The rectangular mark on your items' base seems like a casting mark ; perhaps brass .

The punch-work / engraving on your item seems kinda crude in some areas , not so much in others ; possibly several people worked on manufacturing this one .

It appears to be somewhat like tourist-trade items I've seen through the years .

Bottom line is that somebody did hand-work on it .

Are there wear-marks from a lid at it's top opening ?

Thanks for the info! There are no markings that would suggest there was a lid at one point...

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Metal pot with spout...?
« on: December 17, 2009, 10:34:28 pm »
Do you have a question?

Second sentence. I'm not exactly sure of it's material, how old it is and it's origin.

Antique Questions Forum / Metal pot with spout...?
« on: December 17, 2009, 08:56:40 pm »
Picked this up at a thrift store for $5. It looks cool, but I'm not exactly sure of it's material, how old it is and it's origin... there are no identifying markings anywhere I could see. It looks quite old judging by the amount of scratches and wear on it, but I could be wrong. It weighs a few pounds and its circumference is 17.5" at the widest part of the pot.

The spout looks to be an sprinting antelope or something. On the side there is a design of lions lurking through grass.

The spout has one small hole, there are two holes on the inside of the pot

A closeup of the spout: the antelope appears to have a harness around it's neck and it's wearing a head-dress of some sort

A closeup of where the spout attaches to the pot. The white stuff is powdery oxidation I think

Here's the bottom, there's some old corroded crap around the edge, and the center has a single rectangular bar

The top

Inside the pot

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