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Messages - hotloanchick

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Brass Candelabras and Franz Hermle clock
« on: December 23, 2009, 06:57:30 pm »
I stated "NO RETURNS", but he said since it was "FAKE" and not solid brass that he thought he deserved a refund. He was pretty confident that he would get his money back I guess because he already had it in transit when he filed the claim.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Brass Candelabras and Franz Hermle clock
« on: December 23, 2009, 11:33:55 am »
Thank you guys for your help. Seriously, hearing from you has helped me so much and even if I have to give that jerk his money back, I still feel that I was not in the wrong. I would hate for people to think that I purposely listed and sold a fake anything. The guy obviously didnt know what he was talking about because if he would have googled the clockmaker like I told him to do in my ad, he would have been able to date the clock. But. when he received it, he didnt even completely open the clock and its contents. He said that he opened ONE candelabra and didnt need to go any farther. How can he say stuff about it when he didnt even look at it. UGH!!! Oh well, thanks again for everything. Hopefully everything will work out.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Brass Candelabras and Franz Hermle clock
« on: December 23, 2009, 09:42:32 am »
He emailed me today  and gave me the tracking number and basically TOLD me that I was going to give his money back and then filed a claim on Ebay stating that it was a Fake. Im sooooooo stressed out. I do not have the money to give back to him. I relisted it and m praying that someone buys it so i will have the money to give back to him. I did change the description and I will not be taking it back if the next buyer (assuming there is one) wants a refund. Should I fight the claim???

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Brass Candelabras and Franz Hermle clock
« on: December 21, 2009, 06:23:40 pm »
Thanks so much for the replies. I did list it the same way the others were listing because I didnt know much about it. He said that I misrepresented it because I posted it under antiques and put it as post 1940 when they were made around 1987. I would say that is Post 1940, but he says that I exaggerated   just about everything I put in the ad. I guess I will have to take it back and try and resale. Should I change my description? Should i post it under another catagory? I told them in my original ad to ask any questions and also to google the clockmaker and stuff. If they would have done that they would have known that the clock wasn't that old. He made those from around 1984 to 1989. im just stressed about it because thats alot of money Im gonna have to come up with to refund it back to him. Thanks again!!

Antique Questions Forum / Brass Candelabras and Franz Hermle clock
« on: December 19, 2009, 06:01:46 pm »
I received a Franz Hermle Clock and a set of candelabras as part of my dads estate. I sold them on ebay and the guy that bought them wants his money back because he says they are not solid brass. I was told they were. He says that if they were solid brass they would be in one piece, but since they come apart they are not solid brass. Is that right?????

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