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Messages - JamesBianco

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Water color , late 20th century W.Allen
« on: September 15, 2004, 12:35:04 pm »
I have a watercolor, in a very elaborate Gilt Frame (this itself I am sure would bring hundreds) of a european street scene, with some shops, and a few people on the street. I believe it dates from the late 1800's, and bears the signature "W  Allen". At first I thought it to be Gustav Wallen, but I do not believe that now. It is strange that on one of the storefronts is the name "Benoist", a very unusual french spelling.  I can take a photograph and post it. Is anyone familiar with this artist?

Thank You

Antique Questions Forum / French Faience Marseilles 18th century
« on: September 15, 2004, 09:08:11 am »

 My father left me a Faience box when he died in 1983. He was a noted interior designer from Boston, and he had aquired it from an estate in the 1960's. I never paid attention to it until recently, having stored it away.
Inside, on a note card, my father had written down that it was Faience, and was made roughly between the years 1755-1790 in Marseilles France by a Joseph Gaspard Robert. It is an amazing piece, and is virtually flawless, not so much as a chip or discoloration. the underside is signed with an R and a small "." right above it to the left of the letter.
I have been trying to get some idea of its worth, and even made an aol web page with pictures of it. This is the box:

and to see more:
My Faience Box
Does anyone know anything about Faience? I have found much on the web about Joseph Robert and his associate the widow (Veuve) Perrin, but there arent many images online of his work, only china plates.

Thank you all :)

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