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Messages - biznis_3

Pages: [1]
Thanks again for the feedback.......

Anyone have any thoughts on a possible name for this pattern?  I have about 50 or so different pieces of this.......only variance in the dishes is different shades of the blue.

Wow......that was quick......Thank You very much Ironlord!


I have been trying off and on for several years accurately identify many plates/dishes I have with the Mark: G.P. Co and possibly the pattern on the dishes as well.

All my research thus far has lead to nothing e best I can come up with Glamoragan Pottery(Baken Bevin & Irwin) or Grange Pottery and that just a guess with nothing solid
to back it up.

These dishes were handed down to me from my Grandmother who is now 98 yrs old and they were given to her by somemone else.  I am estimating the age to be mid to late 1800's to possibly...... but not likely early 1900's.

I don't mind doing the research and have have spent countless hours researching these dishes......but I still have come up with nothing definitive.

I was thinking possibly Flow Blue for the Pattern......but not sure on that either......due to Flow Blue being more distinct and recognizable.

The same and only mark on the back of the dishes is G.P. Co which is evident in the pics....

Any help in identifying these or even a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much for everyones time and help.

Tom V.

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