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Messages - malcolm9

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: HMV model 5103 radio
« on: February 19, 2010, 12:34:29 am »
Where do i get the right model number.That 5103 is the only number
on there plus there is a serial number 192681.It also has a number stamped
into the wood cant make out what it is looks like 5 digits.The case is 330mm
high and 470mm wide and 230 mm deep.It has 4 cream colored nobs in the
front and a glass reading at the top.This photo looks similer but not the same
this one looks newer.I cant take photos now as the unit is strip down for revanis.

Antique Questions Forum / HMV model 5103 radio
« on: February 18, 2010, 12:53:13 am »

Hope you can help me.I am trying to get some info on a radio
i am working on.It is a His Masters Voice Model nm 5103 radio
I cant find any info on the net.Any help would be great.I need
info like how old it is, is it worth anything and where can i get
more info on the net about this item?

Thank You

Pages: [1]