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Messages - Demi^G

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Antique Questions Forum / Royal Cauldon and other stuff
« on: October 14, 2004, 11:43:57 pm »
Thank you  very much kerrybee for your interest and assistance I'm going to spend this weekend looking over the sites and will get back and let you know what I find also if I work out how to get some photos on here I'll do that too!

Thanks again  :D

Antique Questions Forum / Royal Cauldon and other stuff
« on: October 13, 2004, 05:49:28 pm »
Hello everyone,

I Recently helped clear out my late Nan's cupboards and  managed to keep some odds and sods that the family were sending off to the dump.

3 small dishes ( smaller than your average saucer) with delicately painted bird and foliage on the front. Back says Royal Cauldon Bristol Ironware ' paradise' in green, then Englands Oldest Pottery Est 1652.

Anyway I tried doing a bit of research on Royal Cauldon and mainly what I found was that it was est around mid 1700's. I'm not an antique collector so I know very little about antiques. These little dishes are sweet regardless, but I would love to know something about them and I wonder where they came from?

I also salvaged 4 Dishes like a saucer but with a deeper bowl, they are not in great condition but are interesting to look at. On the back- Made in England an H initial stamped in Green a unicorn and H & K Tunstall. and what looks like an L with a stroke through it in gold.

Last but not least a cream bowl larger than a soup bowl, with a green ring with gold edging on either side, has Woods Ivory Ware, a crown and England inscribed on the bottom in Gold plus what looks like 5X2325  

I'd love to hear  if anyone has any history on these pieces.    


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