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Messages - emily

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / is it an antique?
« on: October 15, 2004, 10:05:14 am »
I have a metal box that is filling me with curiosity. It looks like a treasure chest but it is only 8 inches long and 3 inches high. On the front there is a picture of a bishop maybe, on a hill, holding his arms open while below him are a bunch of knights with swords in the air, on horses. On the inside of the lid there is a the date June 15, 1219 and a short story in english and in some other language. It talks about a crusade under King Daldemar Seirs rule and from the sky a flag with a white cross coming to them.
On the back of the box, it says Iron Art copenhagen denmark.
Anyone have a clue about anything made by Iron Art?


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