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Messages - dianecaudle

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Well, it seems that I was making the mistake of sending four pics, even though the whole send was under 2000 kb.  I think I had tried last week only sending a couple at a time but there is nothing like rebooting a computer to put everything back to ground Zero.

Thanks for your help.


I have a plate I found in my basement, rather heavy, appears to be handmade, some bubbling on the front and back.  There is a triangular symbol of the manufacturer on the back that I can't make out.  Does it look familiar to anyone?  It is an attractive plate, looks a little amateurish but at the same time the design is very pleasant and attractive, looks almost native American or Southwestern.

Thanks for your help.


PS, if you are reading this then I have managed to somehow to get back into posting on the forum, thanks for your help :)

Antique Questions Forum / Still can't get the posting to work
« on: July 24, 2010, 01:11:03 pm »
Ok, I waited a week, I didn't hit the 'new topic' button, instead I hit the 'reply' button.  I made sure that all of the four pictures were well under 2,000 kb total and yet I still got this twice: 

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log. 

Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?  thanks, Diane

Ok I tried to include pictures this time and this is what I get:
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log.

I've tried and tried to send the pics, i don't think the problem is on my end so I'll try to send the pics later.


Antique Questions Forum / Found this plate in my basement
« on: July 17, 2010, 04:52:12 pm »
I noticed this plate in a box of dishes in the basement and I always did like something about it.  It looks hand made, the painting on the front looks a little amateurish and professional at the same time.  It has parts in the pattern that remind me of American Indian style for some reason.  The etched-in symbol on the back is triangular but that's all I can tell.  Is there some easier way of reading these types of manufacturer's 'signatures'?

Parts of the front are a little rough, looks like some bubbling while it was in a kiln.  It also looks like someone had glued a newspaper article on the back.

Thanks for any help you can give me,


Thanks sapphire, et al, for your help and suggestions.  Personally, I think that the girl in the photograph looks like his wife berfore they were married, but I suppose I could be wrong....perhaps in the wedding photograph she was wearing heels.  No, I just checked the picture again, there is about a six inch difference between the two of them in my picture.

Thanks Ironlord, it might not be worth anything, it'll probably  just go back into my files but I thought I'd put it out there on this forum and see what comments I'd get on it :)


"....and now back to our previously recorded program...The Value of Vintage TV Cabinets..."

I know I'm really pushing it by posting here twice in one evening but after I'd left that last question here I remembered the photograph of Tom Thumb that I'd acquired about ten years ago from my brother's estate.  It seemed that he knew quite a bit about old photography and I'd sold several of the daguerreotypes <sp> on Ebay and they were worth quite a bit, mainly photos from the 1800s. 

Well this is one of the photographs that was in his safe.  I took it to a professional photographer in Charlotte and he said that it was an original photograph but knew very little about the subject. 

It is thick like cardboard and almost seems to have more than one layer.  You can see from the photo I took that it does have some layering.  The photo is the way I acquired it, somewhat faded.  I keep it in a envelope in a file in my computer room and I know it should probably be kept in an archival flat box of some type.  I didn't want to take a chance on the light from the printer being hard on the photo or the flash from my camera disturbing it so I just used the light from the room and no flash from my camera.

I don't know if anyone here is an authority on the subject but was hoping that maybe someone could send me to a reputable photography website.  There are lots of forums on the internet but many of them seem to die a quiet death from lack of traffic.

It would be great if this photograph was worth some money especially since finances are becoming somewhat difficult here.

Thanks again,


Antique Questions Forum / Vintage TV Cabinets
« on: July 14, 2010, 06:50:34 pm »
This is one of the most helpful, nicest websites and I feel bad coming back only a day after I'd been here but we're having to move from our home of 21 years after my husband died and we have a huge house that has lots of 'stuff' in it and a few are antiques and some of the 'stuff' is just stuff.  I, of course, know next to nothing about antiques and most stuff, except art, but I have done some homework before I come here and I'm not finding out much info on this subject.

Is there much of a demand for vintage TV cabinets?  The one I have belonged to my husband's family either in the fourties or fifties.  It has some scratches on it and the front where the speakers are is dusty and dirty, of course.  The 'innards' are long gone but I've heard of people reviving old TV cabinets/consoles and I wonder if I should just put it on Craigslist and see what I can get for it or try to get an estimate from an antique dealer, and are any antique dealers even interested in something that is probably still quite common?

Thanks again,


PS I'm not interested in turning it into an aquarium

Antique Questions Forum / Re: A 'Teaky' Subject...
« on: July 13, 2010, 06:57:37 pm »
Wow, that was fast!  Thank you, Wayward, for sending me to that 'windsong' site, I didn't find what I needed there but I clicked on a few links and found a picture that was almost exactly like mine, both are hand-carved but the subject is common and mine is a slightly smaller carving--12" White Croc Wood Lord Rama Buddha Mask Wall Hanging  --was the name of theirs so I was at least close in calling it a Buddha and the guess that it was a mask was a fairly easy one.  Thanks for those who helped, especially waywardangler.


Antique Questions Forum / Re: A 'Teaky' Subject...
« on: July 13, 2010, 06:27:53 pm »
The guess of it being teak was just a guess, anyone have any suggestions?  I'm enclosing a few more pics of it.  I love the way the sculptor carved it, very nicely done.

Antique Questions Forum / A 'Teaky' Subject...
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:50:44 pm »
Since you experts were such a great help with my oil can for WWII machine guns last March.   I thought I'd bring in something different.

My husband's cousin Gene was always going on ocean cruises and when he died we inherited a lot of his souvenirs.  This carving was one of the souvenirs, I believe.  It is seven inches tall, five inches wide and maybe a little over 2 1/2 inches deep.

It may not even be an antique but at least, in that case, someone might be able to recommend some other forum that might be able to help.

I don't know anything about teak wood but this carving has a somewhat yellow/brown sheen.  The carvinng itself is excellent and I think it would have taken an expert carver to have achieved such a well-done product.

Naturally, it is very light-weight and there is no signature on it at all that I can see.

I checked on Ebay and didn't see anything like it.  I even hate to try to sell it on Ebay since I would get nothing close to its real value.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Diane

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Knights Templar Trifold jewelry?
« on: April 23, 2010, 05:03:48 pm »
That pendant looks a lot like the one I have, but I noticed that there have been 348 people looking at it and no bites yet, like my hubby used to say "It's only worth what people will pay for it".


Antique Questions Forum / Re: See anything that stands out?
« on: April 23, 2010, 04:58:41 pm »
I'm not an antique dealer, but your mom sure did have nice taste in curio cabinets!  I think it's odd that your sister doesn't want to have anything appraised before you split it up.  I'd suggest having an antique dealer come into the house anyway and look around, of course I don't know your sister but that sounds strange to me, what harm is there in getting things appraised?  She'll have to know their value at some point before they get sold or go up for auction.  Usually an estate lawyer will advise against selling anything in the estate until the will has been read, opening of the estate, etc.


Antique Questions Forum / Knights Templar Trifold jewelry?
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:51:48 am »
This forum really helped me out last month and, unfortunately, I couldn't come back and give a more appropriate thanks for your help because I came down with a really nasty cold but I did appreciate all the help I received with the oil can for machine guns.

This jewelry is one that was in my dad's possession (he was a Mason) and I thought that this might be the appropriate group to ask for help in perhaps valuing it or getting some idea of the history of this type of an item.

In the pictures I tried to give you a good idea of all three levels of this item.  The front states In Hoc Signo Vinces with a God's eye above it and a skull and crossbones at the bottom of the front.  On the back is a double-headed eagle (I think).

I will be enclosing pictures and the (badge, fob?) is in really good condition.  I haven't seen the exact item in Ebay but similiar ones are valued between $300 to over $500, perhaps because it's a little heavy (mine is .8 oz), almost 1 1/2 inches high and might be worth a little bit on the gold market.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Diane :)

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