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Messages - ChesaBaby

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Question about Unusual Hull Planter
« on: March 18, 2010, 03:33:46 pm »
Thank you SO MUCH!!  I really thank you for your assistance, and the animals who will be the recipients of the proceeds from the sale of the planter thank you also!!  You were very kind to research this and post the answer so quickly!! 

Antique Questions Forum / Question about Unusual Hull Planter
« on: March 18, 2010, 01:36:28 pm »
I volunteer at a non-profit thrift shop which benefits animal rescue.  Someone donated an unusual Hull planter that I need help with.  I've checked many sites on-line and have checked a few reference books but haven't come across one like this. Unfortunately I don't have a Hull book, but I'm hoping someone out there does.  This planter consists of 3 rounded pots, all joined together.  Largest pot is 4" wide & 4" in height.  The 2 smaller pots are approx. 3" wide & 3" high.  The two smaller pots are joined to the largest pot on their sides, but the 2 smaller pots do not touch each other. The 3 pots are open on the insides where they join. Colors on all 3 identical - orange on the top halves and dark green on the bottom halves.  Bottom of largest pot says Hull, and bottom of one of the small pots says 10T(?), possibly 107(?) I would greatly appreciate learning more about this piece (esp. value) so I can properly price it.  Since all profits go toward animal rescue and assisting with low-cost spay/neuter to reduce pet over-population, I want to price it appropriately and not undervalue it for the animals' sake.  Thanks!

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