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Messages - JacksonT

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I'm pretty sure its not ivory Wendy as its flexible, if you were to bend ivory wouldnt it break? It's either modern plastic or bakelite. Probably best off leaving it as bakelite although i will add in the description on ebay that its possibly ivory. Thanks again Wendy....we'll try to get this looked at by a pro.

Thanks for the input i will change the description now. When we took the felt off it appeared to be stuck on by paste as it came off pretty easy. There were 2 nails keeping a peice of cardboard infront of the painting and the glass, this to me points towards a reproduction? or maybe someone has had this open in the past and just put the glass and cardboard in for protection so the painting itself may still be 18th century.

Where could we take it to get it looked at as we've took it to antique shops before and they didnt want to know, or didnt know anything about it. Location: England, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Even if it is a repro its still old so we'd like to know what we should sell it for'?

Thanks, Lee

We have decided to put this on ebay for £30, not sure if we are robbing ourselves or the buyer? lol. Since we couldn't find any hard evidence wether or not this is authentic as we couldnt find any signatures and we arent sure if its bakelite or simply just a reproduction on plastic. We'd really like your opinions on this price we have set as a starting bid, wether or not we should take it off or sell it for more?

I'd really like to find more information on this but dont think we will so its on ebay for sale

Again thank you all so much for your input. :)

Yeah thats what i meant Wendy, would seem it's been done by a "nobody" and not a famous artist then? Still looks pretty old though.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Moorcroft Dog Figure - Any Value?
« on: March 29, 2010, 01:49:45 am »
Welcome to the forum JacksonT!  I think what you may have is a Moorcraft figurine.  I'm still searching for info on the company but here is one of their other dogs.

Edited to add:

A collection of their figurines.......not e they are 'named'

Thanks for your time sapphire you answered all questions there, seems its not worth much then lol. Still only paid 50p for it though.

Be very sure that is plastic and not ivory. Plastic would be a highly unusual choice for an artist.

One additional comment on Wayward's comment on glass framed paintings. Watercolors are the exception. Those need glass to protect them.

If it is indeed ivory wouldn't it be thick? Whatever it is painted on its thin and flexible. Being flexible should suggest its plastic or bakelite even? Wendy we'll try the polish later today, will any old dusting polish work?

Thanks for the info again people much appreciated :).

Thank you all for your replies and information,  Taking waywardangler's advice we have removed the felt and took out the painting. It appears to be painted on plastic, as KC mentioned it must be bakelite? There is no signature. Is there still any value in this?

KC.....The size i mentioned was the frame, the painting itself is tiny maybe 3" by 2".

Thank you for the information KC. Judging by the signature which appears to say "Barry" this is maybe just something done by someone just taking a gander? Or maybe someone reconises the signature which could be a famous artist?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Moorcroft Dog Figure - Any Value?
« on: March 28, 2010, 01:32:16 pm »
Thank you for the information Wendy, It looks pretty old is it possible it could still of been done by William Moorcroft? I think it's most likely done by mold so probably isn't worth much.

BY looking at it again i'd have to say either porcelain or ivory but can't be sure without pealing off the felt stuff on the back and i dont want to do that.

It has glass so we can't really tell. With it having glass does that tell you its not antique or worth anything?


Thank you.

Thank you for your reply talesofthesevenseas, we've looked at the frame abit closer and it looks more wood then paper mache. We arn't sure what its painted on, it's very shiny and you can see the paint so its definetly not a print. What do you mean by have we got a canvas?

Here's a picture of the back and a more clearer photo of the painting.

Antique Questions Forum / Moorcroft Dog Figure - Any Value?
« on: March 28, 2010, 12:11:30 pm »
Purchased this little dog figure from Amble the other day, only paid 50p for it so not bothered if it has no value. It has an engraved signature which says © Moorcroft. I beleive Moorcroft if well known for his/her pottery. Can anyone give me any info on this? Thanks.

This is a real painting not a copy and we beleive the frame is paper mache. Can anyone shed any light on its value please?

Size is approx 7" by 5".

I cant find any signatures on it although i havent opened it as it will decrease the value if any.

Thank You :).

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