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Messages - margiejo

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Libry-Dine Table table of 101 uses
« on: April 06, 2010, 11:23:57 pm »
Thanks for the warm welcome!   :)
I'm even more intrigued now.  My table doesn't look anything like the table pictured in the "Libry-Dine" ad that was at the link. (I'm on dial-up, took forever for pics!)  My table is more Mission style, with straight legs. 
Here's pics of the table and a bad pic of the label.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Libry-Dine Table table of 101 uses
« on: April 06, 2010, 06:44:00 pm »
WOW!!  I'm soo excited!!  You guys are AMAZING!!   ;D
I bought a Libry-Dine table almost 20 years ago.  I've never been able to find any info on it.  I finally gave up, but always still wondered.  For some reason today, I decided to Goggle it again.  And I found you all AND my answer!  Thank you SO much!!
us335682, I'd love to see a pic of your table.  The e-Bay listing has been removed.
My table has had a hard life!  I found it in a garage at a yard sale.  It wasn't for sale so I asked the old man about it.  He said it was his mother's and it has been in his garage for many years.  He was using it for a paint mixing table.  It had been painted white and was piled high with cans of paint.  The entire top of the table was a mix of many different colors.  I brought it home and stripped all the paint off the top.  I left the rest of the table as-is until I found out more about it. I paid ten dollars for the table and have been using it ever since in my kitchen, sometimes in the Library position sometimes in the Dine position(now that I know what that means!).  I'm glad you love your table as my as I love mine!

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