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Messages - MythrilDelight

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Not sure about this doll...
« on: December 17, 2010, 05:52:01 pm »
Ok, the face feels like paper mache...the hat is glued to the face and doesnt appear to come off...the hair looks like it might be polyester...its kinda shiny but looks like a bunch of threads...not any sort of animal hair...the body is wire frame and I know this will sound weird but its like a plastic that is wrapped around something...Im not sure what...the clothes are completely encased around the doll and feels like polyester too...the hands and feet are felt like fabric...

Im starting to think that Tales is right about it being someones craft and they just used the face of an older doll...

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Not sure about this doll...
« on: December 17, 2010, 11:55:48 am »
I looked...and couldnt find any looks machine made....but the face of the doll is glued to the fabric...and whatever the face is made of is kind of delicate around the sides so Im trying to be careful lol

Antique Questions Forum / Not sure about this doll...
« on: December 16, 2010, 04:06:56 pm »
Hello, I posted on here a couple of months back...but I found this doll today at a thrift store for $3 and Im not sure about it.  It looks sort of like a Kewpie doll but then again it sort of doesnt...Its body is all cloth and the face isnt porcelain or bisque...its kinda like a type of plastic or something...I cant find any markings on it anywhere either and wouldnt know where to look.  I recognized the face though which is why I bought it.

If anyone knows anything about this doll it would greatly help :D

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Metal Box?
« on: April 19, 2010, 08:01:18 pm »
LOL!!  ;D

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Metal Box?
« on: April 19, 2010, 07:14:35 pm »
LMAO Sapph, read that wrong.  Lmao yea thats the same one that she has :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Metal Box?
« on: April 19, 2010, 04:00:33 pm »
Lol no she doesnt have it on Ebay...she barely knows how to chat on MSN... she just had it and used it to store bills...but always wondered what it was worth :)

Antique Questions Forum / Metal Box?
« on: April 19, 2010, 06:05:15 am »
Hello again, so I was telling my Nan (who is very interested in antiques) about my Noritake jar I found...and she asked me if I could post pictures of a metal box that she has had for years.  Due to the fact that my family lives in Canada and I live here in little sister took pictures of it with her cell phone and emailed them to me. 

Ive seen this type of box before but cant find anything specific on what it was, the year or the value of her specific one.  Sorry the pictures are not that great....Nan claims that the box is the Rembrant "Last Supper" but Im not totally sure as I couldnt find anything regarding the "Last Supper"

The stamp on the bottom is a little grainy but it reads:  N.V. Biscuitfabriek VICTORIA Dordrecht-Holland

Again, any help with this item is greatly appreciated.  I am very thankful to have found such knowedgeable people to share finds with :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with Noritake :)
« on: April 15, 2010, 01:22:39 pm »
I think I have a better picture of the stamp :D  I used our scanner with a dark towel draped over it and this is the result.  Its still not the greatest but at least you can sorta read it.

I actually purchased it because it sorta matched the colour/theme of my kitchen and $3.00 was pocket change :)  I still really like it ^_^

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with Noritake :)
« on: April 15, 2010, 10:24:19 am »
The stamps on the jars in the picture is the exact same as the one on the jar I have only mine is in green ink

Heres another picture I found..

KC - I dont know if it came with a plate as it did not come with one at the thrift store :(( I hope its not missing one

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with Noritake :)
« on: April 15, 2010, 10:01:58 am »
Wendy, is there anything I can do to help do you want measurements an approx weight and whatnot?  Im sorry I couldnt get a better picture of the seal...its pretty tiny compared to the size of the jar.  The seal on the ladel is exact same (even in colour) but it is starting to fade.

I checked the websites on how to identify a fake Noritake stamp and mine matches an authentic.  The fake ones are very different.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help with Noritake :)
« on: April 15, 2010, 09:52:03 am »
When I was at the thrift store...the jar was marked $1.00...but 2 elderly ladies came over and said thats worth more than a dollar (which they marked it up to $3.00) because its lusterware.  They made it very clear it was lusterware and one even said it was more towards the 1940s.  I did a yahoo image search for Noritake Lusterware and some pictures came up slightly similar but not 100%.  

I went to the Noritake collectors guild website and emailed them and got a response.  Both the treasurer and a gent who knows pre WWII Noritake items told me it was in fact authentic.  The WWII guy told me it was probably dated 1921-1925 but Im thinking later because of the look of the paint.  He too said he's never seen a set quite like that before.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: What the Heck is this?
« on: April 14, 2010, 06:51:42 pm »
From an outsider point of view...I immediately thought either cigarettes or tea holder for some reason...

Antique Questions Forum / Help with Noritake :)
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:50:07 pm »
Hello, today I was at a thrift store and I purchased what looks like a sugar jar by Noritake.  I was wondering if there was any way to find out the date on it, the name of the pattern and potentially what it is worth.  Ive searched various websites and Ebay and have not been able to find anything remotely close to this.  The little spoon or ladel looks like it does not belong with the set.  The seal on the bottom was a little difficult to get a picture of on account of the glare but it says "Noritake" with a wreath around an M under the wreath it says "handpainted" and below that "made in Japan."  The spoon also has the seal but its fading a bit and I couldnt get a good picture of it.  Here are some pictures :)

I also have what looks like a wine decanter.  It is unmarked and is probably not worth anything.  Its just really unique and very pretty.  It has no marks or seals which is what was odd about it.

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