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Messages - cathilarie

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Glass bottles
« on: April 27, 2010, 10:37:09 am »
Thank you for your replies....I have a phone number I am going to try to see if I can email pics to see what they say...we dug up over 30 of these bottles in the two different sizes so I'm assuming maybe there was an alcoholic who lived here at one time??? LOL I'm just kidding :D I will post whatever I find out but the number is busy right now. So maybe wrong number so I called the local historical society. Anyway thank you for your help!!

 8)Cat 8)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: advice on a couple of items...Please
« on: April 27, 2010, 02:35:02 am »
I am sure the backgammon board isn't old if it is from ambercombie and fitch (I know i spelled that all wrong) This company is fairly new i think, as my daughter tries to buy all her clothes there but I got her down to 1 pair of jeans as they are very expensive.  I may be wrong though. I am just guessing here.

Antique Questions Forum / Glass bottles
« on: April 27, 2010, 01:44:11 am »
these bottles were dug up in our backyard when we were digging up our pond. Two of them say "GIBSON WINE" on the bottom and they have a pheasant on the sides of both bottles. I tried a search only to come up empty. Has anyone ever heard of gibson wine? I have searched and searched with no luck so if you can get any information about this company I would greatly appreciate your help.

   Thank you!!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Is this cake stand an antique?
« on: April 27, 2010, 12:30:54 am »
Thank you all for your replies and taking the time to try to help me. The reason I am looking for what pattern this is and whether it is an antique or not is because I am now divorced and am looking to sell this item because I fell upon some hard times trying to make it on my own for the first time ever in my life. So I REALLY appreciate all of your help.


Antique Questions Forum / Is this cake stand an antique?
« on: April 24, 2010, 08:46:03 pm »
  Hi all! My name is Cat and I have tried to search the net for info on this cake stand/plate. I received it as a wedding gift from an aunt who is an antique collector and she said it was an antique. I was just wondering if anyone might know anything about this and maybe an approximate value? I seen a few on ebay that were similar but more fancy. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

   Thank You for taking the time out to read my post.

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