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Messages - thedeadskunk

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Good news! I received an e-mail today regarding this item.See below:
> Dear Paul,
> What you have is model no. 6/66 which is listed as a 'Rustic Violet'. It
> is a small table decoration used for dried flowers and was made in the
> 1870s. The mark has a number 7 under the circle and is missing another
> digit, possibly a 5 for 75. The year letters appeared on later marks.
> Hope this helps,
> From
> Mrs.Wendy Cook B.A.(Hons.)
> Curator

Still no idea of value though!!!!!

I will keep checking ,as I'm pulling my hair out on this ???
It is not a large item. It's approx 2 7/8" x 2 1/2" x 2 3/4" inches
Also camera used is a samsung NV5 just in case anyone wishes to know.It takes great macro shots. NV7 just a good. Cheap to buy now and outperforms many new cameras

Lovely stand-out piece of kit.Would look great in a big bay window.

I am sooooooo sorry, but I am having a hard time concentrating....yo ur name reminds me of an famous old song that I cant stop singing.......
So, take a trip down memory lane.....

Now....this appears to be a planter to me, or in the terms of the time a "Jardinière".  They made all kinds of shell planters, nautical things, as well.......  They have a contact us section....if you can't find out more, contact them!

Yes I know the song, but my username is actually the name of my auction site.Nothing to do with the song, though at one time I did try and secure the rights!

Many thanks for the link to the porcelain museum.I've e-mailed them so should here from them tomorrow as it's a bank holiday here in the UK. Fry-up Mondays we call them in out house , as bank holidays are the only time we have fried food.
Looks like the museum only helps friends of the society, so it's another blank drawn

After checking another book, I did find a note about after 1862 they did use numbers under this hallmark, but it should be two digits which represents the date it was decorated.  For example if it has 73 it was decorated in 1873.  it may be possible you are missing a number, It does almost look like it may be missing a number

Many thanks for your time on this!
I've taken and placed another macro shot on the thread for you to peruse.
Kind regards, and thanks again.Still hoping it's a one-off. :)
Yes, it could be a 3 or 5 that is missing.

  It appears to be a Z under the hallmark, If so that would date this item to 1888.  In 1867 they started to use letters to date the marks. As for value I would snoop around for examples like this item.  It appears to be a square covered dish, is this correct?  Thanks for posting Thedeadskunk and welcome to the forum.

Cheers.The only information I've been able to obtain is this here:

I have been told my item, the one posted, might be a one-off;just cannot find any information anywhere.
P.S. It's a 7 under the hallmark and the number 51 within the hallmark

Hi Chaps this is my first post on here as I've drawn a blank regarding any information on the item below.So I hope you can help.Item is I believe Royal Worcester Circa 1851

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