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Messages - Inkslinger

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Thank you for the reply!  Yeah I had taken the picture of the mark both ways since I had no idea of the correct orientation.  Thanks again.

A set of 6 hand painted leaf plates.  1 large plate and 5 smaller plates.  Plates are painted blue with flowers and leaves.  I need help identifying the mark on the bottom.  Thank you for your help everyone!!

great find Sara! I've been researching Mexican indio tribes as well.  Thanks for sharing that. 

Also, regularjoe...I am really a novice of novice's when it comes to "glazing" or as to how this piece was made.  Sorry.  I'm researching that as well.

Thanks again everyone for the responses and trying to help me figure this out  ;)! luxetveritas, I appreciate you forwarding the pics to your cousin for analysis!!  Very, very cool.  I'm still holding out for someone on here to tell me that it's ancient and worth MILLIONS!!  Haha just kidding guys.  I think it's a darn unique piece and if it's a revival or repro, still a fantastico pickup at a thrift store.  I emailed the museum Tales response yet.  I'll also email the Smithsonian and other museums as well.  I'll keep everyone posted with any responses.

Just want to get a consensus from this piece Egyptian or have an Egyptian motif rather than asian or something else?  Trying to narrow it down.

Thank you so much guys for all of the responses!!  I really appreciate it.  There aren't any markings on the bottom from what I could find.  Here are some pictures of the base. 

Hey Everyone,

I just picked this up at a thrift store for $35 and have no idea where the heck this is from or if it is old or new or what.  It weighs approx 35-40 lbs and is 21 1/4" H and 11 1/2" W at base.  It features 6 faces all around the base that have black painted head dresses.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Would just to know if anyone has any insight regarding it's provenance.  Thank you everyone.

Haha...sorry for the confusion.  17 Dollars.  It wasn't a Sotheby's garage sale fortunately!  Sorry again.

I bought this oyster plate and this tableware set for 17 big ones at a garage sale.  I've done research on both items and marks/stamps but need more help and possible values.  Thanks a ton!

First Item:

Oyster plate with an blue "shield" or "beehive" stamp and an F&M stamp.  I researched that it is most likely a "Royal Vienna" knockoff made by Fischer and Mieg.  Is this correct?  Possible dating and value?

Second Item:

Two "decanters", a small bowl and tray.  All pieces are stamped "Royal Crown Hand painted 2799".  This one gave me a headache trying to do the research.  Possible origin, dating and value?

Thanks for reading and looking guys and gals.  Hopefully I'm not too much of a pain!

I actually hate needles!! Haha.  Inkslinger cause I'm a writer...

Appreciate all the responses everybody!  I agree as is a great piece picked up on the cheap.  Also, thanks regularjoe for that info...i'll do some homework on that asap!  Thanks again for reading gang!

Hopefully you fine folks can help me figure out what this tea kettle is all about, as my extensive online research has left me cross eyed.  I bought this at an estate sale for 8 bucks...thought it looked pretty neat and hopefully antique-ish.  It is a tea kettle with a hand painted farm scene on it...white fence, silo, trees, bushes, roosters, chickens da dada da farm scene.  It has a wood handle and a wooden knob on the top of  There is a signature of "Elliott" on it as well.  The bottom of the kettle reads "Made in USA...PRINCES (possible company name I believe, A little hard to decipher) and pure aluminum stamped into it.  I tried taking pictures of the stamping but it is tough to read with the naked eye as is.  I have no idea if this is an antique or a vintage painted kettle from some unknown guy in sticksville, usa who painted farm scenes for fun on sundays.  Any help would be delightful!  Thanks guys!

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