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Messages - epona

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The observation that these pieces could be 'trompe l’oeil' came from Mark Winter, Director of Art Experts Inc....that is why I mentioned it.  I wondered about this observation as well but in looking at this artform and these pieces I see what he means, some of them are made to look as though they are windows or postcards peeling away........

I have come to own these two pieces and have hit a brick wall trying to identify them.  They are done on two pieces of softwood, 27"x7" and about a half inch thick.  There are no hangers on the back or marks of any sort.  They are dated by the artist 1884 and signed.  I have looked at variations of the artists name, as I read it but have found nothing as of yet.  The only insight I have recieved told me it was folk art, but the second person said  'It is a trompe l’oeil pair really more than a folk painting.'.....The work is intricate, and, as with most things, does not photograph in all its splendor.  I am amazed at the detail.  I would love to know if anyone can tell me the country of would be wonderful to know where they are from to start..or if the signature can be identified, anything really....thanks for having a look and for any assistance you can provide....

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