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Messages - kharrington512

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: 1910 documents
« on: June 03, 2010, 06:47:34 am »
Thanks so much for all your help!  Nope, not displaying them at all, I just want to find a better way to preserve them...  Some of the documents are nearly falling apart.  And some of the letters are so interesting - well, they all are, but the letters are especially interesting, I'd hate for anything to happen to them.

Edited to add:

Okay - Thanks to y'all, I think I found it.   :)

They have albums, etc. that will allow me to store all the little documents and letters safely and in a way that we can take them out and look at them without damaging them further.

Thank you, again, for all your help. I'd have never even known what to search for without you!

Antique Questions Forum / 1910 documents
« on: June 01, 2010, 05:51:20 pm »
My dad left me a small leather wallet with dozens and dozens of letters, receipts, checks, etc. from our family - all dated anywhere from 1909 to about 1925.

I'm trying to find the best way to preserve these.  The last time I had seen these, was about 23 years ago when my dad got them from his father.  They seem a bit less preserved since then - the leather wallet is much more dried out, etc.  I keep them in a glass-front china cabinet.  The documents and letters are all folded and in this leather pouch.

Is there a better way to preserve these? 

Thanks so much for your help!

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