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Messages - Mary Carol

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Antique Questions Forum / Antique Wall Plates from Bavaria and Austria
« on: December 14, 2004, 09:04:33 am »
I have a dog plate from Bavaria with code of what looks like Z S &C& or as close as I can make out.  The woman plate is more decorative and the face and bust is in the center with blue small flowers and leaves around the edges.  The marking on that one is Victoria Austria with what looks like a crown in the middle of the two words.
Does anyone know anything about these plates.  I believe they either came from my great grandmother or great great grandmother.   My great great grandmother was born in Germany.

Thank you for any help you can provide.  My great grandmother was born in this country and she died at 86 in 1946.I think that would make her 144 years old.  If it was my great great grandmother's plates, then they would be older than that.

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