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Messages - Stevo08106

Pages: [1]
Thank you guys for all the info, i will get pictures for u tonight sometime. i think there would be some interest in seeing the actual pages its pretty cool. So thanks again.  :)

Sorry i put my post in the wrong place so im moving it :-\

Hey everyone, Sorry i don't have more to share with the site so far. But im just starting out collecting and also learning. Anyway this should be cool for some of the military lovers Smiley. Ok well my Pop Pop was a prisoner of WWII and while there he kept a journal. Its so cool it has little drawings from all the guys who were kept with him a couple little things taped inside the book. But my question about putting it in a museum "If i can talk my dad into doing it" is if i put it there, is it still mine or does it belong to the museum now? I wasnt sure if u could take it out at anytime. Also ill get some pictures tonight once i can pull it out. thanks Steve

Also ask anything u want and ill try to answer what i can, i grandfather did pass away and didnt like to talk about it much. So ill try to answer what info i have or can get.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: The Virden Co. Electric Heater
« on: June 15, 2010, 06:37:04 pm »
I have seen one other one on ebay but wasnt this one. Pretty wierd i can't find any info on it. Its pretty cool i guess i could put on ebay for $10 or something. It does work, would just need a cord fix up.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: The Virden Co. Electric Heater
« on: June 15, 2010, 06:26:53 pm »

 Here we go

Antique Questions Forum / Re: The Virden Co. Electric Heater
« on: June 15, 2010, 07:20:05 am »
Ok ill get that asap^^

Antique Questions Forum / Re: The Virden Co. Electric Heater
« on: June 14, 2010, 08:46:18 pm »
Hey KC thank you for the info, seems i still can't even seem to get a picture of this thing on the internet, or any info.. i'm not sure its probably nothing special but i didnt want to just toss it, thank again,

Antique Questions Forum / The Virden Co. Electric Heater
« on: June 13, 2010, 04:00:59 pm »
Hi guys, I have googled this thing many times and havn't found nothing on it. Only thing that seems to come up are old Ebay posts, which don't show much info. Anyway if anyone can give me some info on my Electric Heater that would be great.

Back of the heater: "little copper tag" Order in which its shown- "V.M.C", The Virden Co., Cleveland O. U.S.A, Volts 105/115, No. 43311, Amps 5.6 i think or 5.8 i cant see it. Anyway any info or worth? Would just be great guys, thank you steve

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