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Messages - slackastar

Pages: [1]
Can anyone give me an approximate value of this item? I have someone interested in it and they want to know a price, but I have no idea. Thanks in advance.

I know no way to actually date it, other than I was at an auction and everything was old haha, I know this provides no evidence. Along with this in the trunk were old newspapers dated 1872, as well as letters from camp dated 1900. The colors of the photos are not sepia, but a blue color. Thank you very much for your information.

I found this inside an old trunk I bought at an auction but really know idea what it is. It's a piece of cloth with a bunch of pictures on it, with soldiers and camps and such. Obviously it's the Pennsylvania National Guard, but what is the signifigance of this item...any ideas on value? It's condition is pristine.

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