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Messages - DonMcCoy

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone,

My name is Don. Some one very dear to me's school (private school) recently shut down. She was the librarian, and she's very passionate about her work. She is very sad right now. Her birthday is this Sunday (7/18), and I want to get her a library card catalog to lift her spirits. It doesn't have to be gigantic, or in great condition. It can look used, and can either be a very small (4 drawers) to sit on a desk, table, or shelf, or a medium sized one. I don't need anything gigantic. Even if I don't get any leads by Sunday, and you're reading this, I would love to get her one in the future. Thank you for your time, and I appreciate any suggestions. If for some reason I don't get any e-mail notifications on any replies, please e-mail me at : )

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