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Messages - Slappy Finds

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: 3 Items Need Identifying:)
« on: August 06, 2010, 12:32:58 am »
You should definitely come out ahead on it then. Even though i can picture that end table in someones to a couch that has a plastic covering on it! That is how i remember how my Aunt had hers! ;D 

It also looks like it was used near a beach or the water. It has that kind of look and wear!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: 3 Items Need Identifying:)
« on: August 04, 2010, 11:35:22 pm »
My aunt had that same end table when i was younger, and i believe it was made in the 50's. It is a heavy piece, and for $10 you should get a few bucks more than you paid for it. That was a piece that was not custom or original, but i have not seen too many of that one in such good shape. is the inside in as good shape, no water marks or stains from old liqueur bottles?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: light fixtures
« on: August 04, 2010, 11:26:03 pm »
My guess is 1910ish and almost certainly french made!

EBay Forum / Re: The Lessons to be learned. Ebay Dump #3
« on: August 03, 2010, 08:36:54 pm »
I may check out that Google one. I have been selling on Ebay for 10+ years, and it is not the same as it was at an earlier age. It is profitable, but i have been waiting for something to come along to make Ebay an afterthought for a few years now. There is alot of nonsense, but if you have patience as a new seller, then you will be OK. I may throw up my own sight as well, but traffic is the question there--If i do the Google option anytime soon, i will let all you know my thoughts on it!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Really old latern (or what seems to be)
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:23:32 pm »
Same here. I have about 3 of these and i paid anywhere from $2-$5 for them. All Dietz. They can sell for about $5-$20. There are more rare ones, and i am not familiar with your exact model. Are there any markings/company info/patent info on this?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Powder Post Beetles
« on: July 16, 2010, 09:56:53 pm »
The Powder Post Beetles most likely are not living in there anymore, or if they are, keep them away from ant fresh untreated wood and moisture. Chances are, this piece/pieces were stored in an attic or basement of an old home with those old wooden rafters. That is where the beetles would have originated from, and most likely where they are roosting. By removing the furniture from the roost, you are cutting off the major moisture, and the roost/nest. The refrigerator idea does sound good, but i just never heard of it. These beetles usually infest wood from older homes/75+ years. When you move the furniture, does new sawdust actually fall out? if not, you are most likely looking at old damage from years ago. I hope this helps. I used to be a state licensed exterminator years ago, and i know how to treat the homes and foundation, but only with licensed chems and replacement. I was never called to treat actual furniture, and i do not have too much insight on that without breaking any laws. :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Question on a ring.
« on: July 16, 2010, 09:46:28 pm »
The 925 means Sterling Silver, or 92.5% pure silver as long as it is not a fake that is stamped. That ring does look old. I would go ask a few different dealers  about the ring--"not looking to sell it" just friendly info, just so no one tries to finagle you for it. The Stone does not look like the original stone from it, but it may be an old precious stone. Regardless that is an interesting ring, and i would take my time with it if you are looking to sell it. They do not really make Sterling Silver like that anymore, and can be worth something.

EBay Forum / Re: The Lessons to be learned. Ebay Dump #3
« on: July 16, 2010, 11:50:48 am »
For the really large stuff, keep em off Ebay unless you want to mess with large shipping items, and possible shipping damage. You can always do a local or regional auction for pick up only on Ebay, but also check you local papers for people who buy estates, and and antique shops. give em a call. If they are local, go to their store and ask them if they know about any of the items(take pictures-so you are not lugging this stuff all around). Most importantly, most Antique shops have free magazines, newsletters and flyers for other shops, dealers and events. Take em home, and make a few calls and visit a few websites with your new plethora of resources. If you have truly unique finds, or at least think you do, make some new contacts with the shops/dealers, and if they are willing, ask them to tell you about your items if they know about em. Most will help you, especially if it is am item they are interested in. 
If there are Flea Markets in your area, you can take the big stuff there as well.

EBay Forum / Re: Parcel Post Package Lost
« on: July 15, 2010, 12:18:43 pm »
I have never had a parcel lost in 10+ years, but it does happen.  Definitely use insurance and/or confirmation if the item is expensive or irreplaceable, and giving the the customer the benefit of the doubt was the right thing here, and just be wary if the same customer says it happened again.

If you use Facebook on your Cell Phones, it takes the numbers from there without you realizing that it is available to Friends or whatever you have your settings at. I would say 85% of people do not know their numbers are listed to other members. You need to physically go in there and take it out of your Cell Phone, as well as make sure it is not listed in the regular online site. Also, default settings have your page visibility set to Friends of Friends. That means someone can look at your friends page, and look at their friends list and access your profile. You need to go in your security settings and make it set in like 10 places to "Friends Only", unless you do not care about people not on your friends list accessing your profile. If it is a band page or a antiques page or something you want strangers to see, set it to everyone, but personal profiles I leave set to friends only--

EBay Forum / Re: The Lessons to be learned. Ebay Dump #3
« on: July 15, 2010, 12:08:15 pm »
Yeah, I have never used the calculated shipping costs. After a while, you will get a feel for how much something will cost to ship. My simple formula if i am unsure is check others auctions for the same or very similar items and find the highest shipping cost and then the lowest, and then make yours in the middle somewhere. This is just for US shipping. I have not done international in about 6 years, so i am not sure for that one. Flat Rate to all buyers. You can also go get a scale and use the weight estimator if you want, but i personally think it is a waste of time once you get the feel what you should charge for shipping. I also do not use the prepaid shipping labels they offer either. If you do it correctly, you are paying more with those rates as well most of the time. Trust me, if you keep at at, you will get a feel real quick, and if you happen to live in the midwest, you will get the benefit of having to ship less distance then people who live on the coasts(i live in NJ) and most of the time, score a few cents extra for your stuff by using a flat rate to all buyers. UPS, I would not bother with. Why pay someone else to do stuff you can do for free? You need the money, then cut out the vultures. May I ask, how much stuff do you have to send off, and what types and sizes of the stuff are you trying to sell? I may be able to steer you better knowing what kinds basement finds you are working with. Some of the stuff may even be a Craiglists add for free rather then Ebay.

EBay Forum / Re: Any serious competitor to eBay yet?
« on: July 14, 2010, 03:50:47 pm »
Yeah, I have been looking for a solution to this to. Was thinking about creating a small community myself online, just to showcase finds from others and myself, but I am not sure if the effort will be worth it.....yet!

EBay Forum / Re: Over priced buy it now!
« on: July 14, 2010, 03:46:27 pm »
Most likely they do it because it costs them little, and one day, someone is gonna need one of those items at any cost for whatever reason, and it gets bought, or it is just for someone who does not do their homework before making an online purchase(believe me there are many people who just go online and buy from the first seller/reseller they see).

EBay Forum / Re: The Lessons to be learned. Ebay Dump #3
« on: July 14, 2010, 03:41:27 pm »
Hey, I am brand new here, but have been listing on Ebay since 99.  The way i do it is i separate items that you know have a better chance to sell at a good price when sold started at .99, and ones that you are not so sure of. For firsts, look up those same items you have before you list them and take notes(in your head or on paper is acceptable). Make sure you see what the "completed listings" are for it and take note of how much shipping was charged. If you know it will get bids, then take that .99 cent chance. Also, when people bid on stuff, it is like a competition to many of them and they do not like to lose. So more hands on it, means more people will not like to lose. Many listings you need to take a chance with and some-no. the ones you do not want to take a chance with, then you need to figure out the absolute lowest price you would take for it, and even go slightly lower than that and cross your fingers. People do not like reserves because it guarantees them nothing, and many sellers use that with no intention of selling the item, but just seeing how much they can get for it-hence Ebay lets people know that many buyers do not like it, as it costs Ebay money by items listed, but not selling.  Take your time with stuff and do your research, no matter how long it takes you, and it will pay off. I have been doing this for years, and just joined this community an hour ago, because you can never have too many resources. If you are not sure of some of the stuff you have--It seems like you are in the right place for help.
Finally, in your post you said you have a bunch of stuff from your parents house, which means you did not just blow a wad of cash at an estate sale or such for it, so after you do research on your items, consider it found money and take a chance on some of it, and if you know you have high ticket items, use your due diligence and make some cash. 
I hope this helps, and if you have any questions i am here to help too!

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