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Messages - Greig

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Neil, you are a legend thankyou, I have spent weeks trying to find out the origins of the mark and have had no luck, im on this forum 5 minutes and you come up trumps.

I really appreciate it thankyou. There will be other items to follow so stay tuned. haha

thanks again


Hello,   I wonder if anybody can help me please, My Granny died last year and upon clearing her house out I came across a lot of interesting bits of pottery etc. One piece in particular was a biscuit barrel.  It has an unusual potters mark/backstamp on it that I have tried with all my might to identify but I cant seem to find it anywhere, Ive consulted books from the local library and that I have bought on amazon etc and also from countless hours of internet searching but all to no avail.

 The barrel has an epns lid on it that i tried to date to give me a clue as to the items age etc but again to no avail. I have attatched pictures here of the stamp and im trying to upload pics of the barrel itself but im having some issues with the file at my end.

 if anybody has any clue of the maker etc i would love to read your thoughts.

Kindest Regards


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