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Messages - minimumboost

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Antique Questions Forum / BED????
« on: February 01, 2005, 09:55:45 am »
The inlays (diamond shapes) are ivory.

The paintings are ivory and copper inlayed.

I dont know what kind of wood it is, but its heavy!!!

The repairs include replacing some of the molding (4 peices)

There is a crack in the base board along the side of it.

Every thing else is peachy!


Antique Questions Forum / BED????
« on: January 30, 2005, 10:45:41 pm »
I've been told that its moroccan, and is from the 1800's some time.

Also ive been told it has some french influence's...

here are come pics of the bed so you can tell me what you think.

Ive been told that the bed has copper and ivory in it.

The bed is in need of repair.

whats this bad boy worth.

The woman that owns the bed told me she had it appraised about 6 years ago for about 14000 dollars.

She wants to sell it for around 4500. because of the repairs it needs.

Alot of people dont thik its worth any where near that much...

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