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Messages - ZippityDoDa

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Large decorative platter
« on: September 10, 2010, 10:24:52 pm »
I actually am not too sure what this, but my grandparents paid a decent amount for it about 10 - 15 years ago, it actually still had the price tag.  I have no space for it, or really don't like the looks of it personally, so I was thinking of getting rid of it.  I don't know what to expect from it though.  There is no writing or stamp on the plate that I can see.

It is probably 1.5 - 2ft long and maybe 1 foot tall.  I will try and get exact measurements tomorrow, as I couldn't find the tape measure.

This is one of the entire front.

These are closeups of the artwork on the front.

You can see the detail on the edges here, on the "frill"

This is the back.  It was hanging and the wire can be removed:

Someone told me they thought it could be a Delph, but from searching around I am not too sure about that.  Any information that may pertain to this would be spectacular.  Maybe even a price range to look at too.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old handmirror
« on: August 07, 2010, 07:59:22 am »
Wow that was quick.  Thanks for the very informative replies.  I will print them off to show my wife and mom, as my mom didn't know the back story on the mirror either.  I am sure they will be interested to know as well.

Thanks again for the help.

Antique Questions Forum / Old handmirror
« on: August 06, 2010, 11:23:00 pm »
My parents moved into a smaller house about a year or so ago, in the process they gave me and my wife a lot of their antiques they weren't able to keep.  Over the past year my wife and I have been slowly going through the boxes trying to decide what to keep, and what to put where type thing.  My grandmother collected dishes, which probably covers about 50% of what we took in.  In the process of going through a box of knick-knacks I ran into a hand mirror.  The metal work on it is very pretty, and is in quite good shape.  I believe it is pewter. The mirror is relatively solid and heavy, at least for it's size.  It probably weighs in around 1 - 2 lbs, is roughly 1/4 inch thick and 6 inches tall.

The thing that baffles me is that it has a specific date and place on it, October 6, 1896 St. Louis I have researched around a bit, finding nothing that was special about that time and place in St. Louis.  It also has a viking looking face wearing a VP helmet/hat with what almost looks like cat ears coming out of the top on both sides of the handle.  I took it to an antique dealer locally, and he guessed it may have come from a World Fair.  My mother's family was from the area in the late 1800s - early 1900s so it makes sense that they could have been at a Fair at that time.

Sorry for the picture quality, I only have a cell phone camera.  They are much higher resolution if you click the picture.  I can try and get better pictures if you want to see something about it.

This is more to show relative size.  The envelope is larger than your standard envelope, so I put a CD next to it to give a little proportion.

This is the back of the mirror, showing the date and place I mentioned. I have been trying to figure out what VP would mean.

This shows the rear of the handle in detail, with some bearded guys face, who is wearing a VP hat with ears coming out of it, it almost looks like.  Doesn't make a lot of sense.

This shows the front, mirror side of the hand mirror.  With the same bearded guy design.

Showing the smudges and little wear and tear on the mirror. I am going to clean it as best as I can.

I am not really looking for a price, although if you want to give one that would be nice.  I don't plan on parting with it, as I like it as does my wife.  I am really just more interested in a possible information about its origins.  Any ideas would be fantastic.

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