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Messages - queenie71

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Pictures
« on: April 24, 2005, 06:12:31 am »
I had the same problem!  It's good to know that it wasn't just me.  Hopefully we'll get some help!

Antique Questions Forum / Pair of Pewter Goblets
« on: April 17, 2005, 07:18:12 am »
I picked up a pair of pewter goblets  at a rummage sale (so there's a very good possibility that they're just rummage.)  Very plain and heavy (thick) and about 6" high.  They have a stamp inside, but it's very faint.  An emblem in a circle and a six letter word beneath.  The first two letters appear to be "CA".  Any thoughts?

Antique Questions Forum / Clear Glass Vase
« on: March 17, 2005, 07:48:45 pm »
I found a vase in the basement.  Not really sure where it came from.  It's 8" tall, and in hurricane-like shape.  It's not actually truly clear, there is the slightest hint of green.  It has a black stencil of the silhouette a girl in a dress and bonnet standing among a few flowers.  She has one in her hand as if to sniff it.  There are two thin bands in the same black above and below the girl in the indentations of the hurricane shape.  There are no other markings anywhere.  Is this just some piece of junk.  It's really kind of neat looking.  Sound like anything anyone has heard of?  Thanks!

I have a pretty good picture, but for some reason I am unable to attach it.

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