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Messages - twangator

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Wow! thank you for that info! Does it matter that the artist signed it?  I paid WAY more than $40 for this piece. :'(

Well I got this at an estate sale and they did'nt provide anymore information.  Was he really famous or semi-famous?  To me it looks like it is a real sketch i dont see anything that looks like a reprint.

Hello to all!  So i found this at an estate sale this weekend and I see this sketch up on the wall and decide to purchase it but i dont know if i over paid for it or who this artist really is  ::).  From my online searches I get that he was a German artist and his works have recently sold for a lot of $$$$.
Can anyone provide me mor info on this sketch? Year this is from? and a realistic value of what i can sell this for?
Thank you.

Thank you all for the info, does anyone have an idea of the $$ value of this item?

The raised images seem to be enamel. The sides of the box and the frame of the lid are made of rocks or something similar in a mosaic type of art work.  I looked at it under a 10x loupe and it looks like fancy art work.

Hello I am new here.  I am hoping you can help me out.  I bought this box at a swapmeet and I dont know where it is from or what its for and what do you guys/gals think this might be worth?
I could not find any markings on it but I do see under the lid a piece of masking tape that reads "Christmas gift 1968 from Johnny" Please help.

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