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Messages - MissyL

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Carved Ivory Art Deco Lamp
« on: September 05, 2010, 07:34:51 am »
Thank you all so much for your input and suggestions.

I've done both the hot needle and bakelite tests and it certainly appears that the material is, indeed, ivory. 

The imprint on the light socket reads "Made in England" and there is some printing on the thumbwheel.  It says "GILBERT" on one long side and "Pat.No.2,065,092" on the other.  And on the short sides it says "UND.LAB.6A,125V" and "INC.INSP.3A,250V".  Does this give any clues?

I apologize if I offended anyone in sharing this lamp.  I agree that the practice of harvesting ivory was a barbaric one.  This is simply an item that I acquired through the passing of my mother and I am curious about.

Antique Questions Forum / Carved Ivory Art Deco Lamp
« on: September 01, 2010, 07:34:18 pm »
My mom picked this lamp up about 20 years ago in a small shop in either PA or NY.  The carved elephant screen appears to be ivory (I did some homework on differences between ivory and bone).  According to a friend, the electrical cord gives clues that it's probably from the late 30's (as there is some sort of UL listing on the thumb wheel).  Unfortunately, she passed away recently and I never got to ask her much about this lamp.  There are no distinctive markings on it, except for the lighting fixture which says "made in England".

Please take a peek at the links below which have several pictures of this very unique and pretty lamp:

Any guesses on its worth?  Comments?

Thanks for looking :)

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