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Messages - grandma

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Antique Questions Forum / Tea Set - What is the factory mark??
« on: April 04, 2005, 08:31:08 am »

Been having a bit of a clear out and came across a teaset which consists of 6 saucers, 6 tea plates, 6 tea cups, a milk jug and what looks like a very large sugar bowl!!

The whole set has gold edging and is plain except for about a one inch border around the tops which consists a purply flowers and green ivy effect around the top.  The mark on the bottoms of this set is what looks like a hay bale (old fashioned) tied round the middle with a banner going through the middle which says "labor and wait" there is also what looks like a spade on one side of the bale and a hooked type gardening implement on the other.  The initials appear to be C.W.S. over the top of the bale and the Number 6 underneath the bale.  Underneath that is the word LONGTON?? Some of the saucers have gold numbers on them.

Quite a strange one, or is it?? Can anyone tell me anything about this set, not managed to find anything out about this on the internet.

Thanks in advance


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