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Messages - Theresa L

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / information on this chair?????
« on: April 28, 2005, 03:10:33 pm »
Thanks again for the reply.  I also think it is more of a channel back, although that is only the channels in the back of the chair.  But from looking at some of the older chairs, that fits it more.  It is so much fun researching things.  I am starting to get hooked on it now.  I have found some other items sitting in the attic and around the house that have some age to them and have started to research them.  It would be so easy if only there were a marking on them.  But I guess that it what makes it more enticing to find out what these things have been threw.  Thanks agai.

Antique Questions Forum / Dads little Statue
« on: April 28, 2005, 09:06:26 am »
posted Apr 28, 2005 10:31 AM  
My dad carried this with him while he was in the service. My great grandma gave it to him. The base is not there, but the statue is complete. A magnet will not stick to it so I am guessing that it is a precious metal. He went through alot in life and still had this as one of his only possessions after he passed away in 1988. It stands 5 inches high. I have no idea what this is or if it is of any value except sentimental to me. I thought that I had remembered something about Germany when I was little, but not sure. Anyone have any ideas?

Click link to see picture. It is safe and it is a great site for those that want to use it for free to post pictures.

Antique Questions Forum / information on this chair?????
« on: April 27, 2005, 02:51:14 pm »
I was now wondering if anyone could tell me what they would think this chairs value is.  I was told that a person in New Zealand would give me 400.00 for it, and that would be someone that was a cheapo.  And that I should see what I can get here in USA.  As they seemed to think that it was worth way more here.  Any ideas.  I don't even know if I want to get rid of it.  I was thinking of having it covered in breathable plastic.  And just hold on to it for my sons.  

Antique Questions Forum / information on this chair?????
« on: April 25, 2005, 01:28:04 pm »
I finally found a way to get pictures out.  Please click the link below and it will take you to the pictures.  This is a good site for anyone that wants to post pictures for others to see and it is free.

This chair was given to me 20 years ago, the woman was 80 and I was helping her take care of things while her husband was very ill.  The only thing that she ever said was that it was her moms and that she had it renovated.  I looked under it for something to find out what company or anything and I can't find anything, other than the tag from the upholsters.  There is a gorgeous green material under, that we are guessing was the original fabric.  Overall, it is in very nice shape.  Just needs cleaning.  Anyone have any ideas?  I can go to a shop, but I like to know things about items before I go and ask locals.  


Antique Questions Forum / Information on chair --Can send Photos
« on: April 25, 2005, 08:47:05 am »

Antique Questions Forum / Need help posting a photo !!??
« on: April 24, 2005, 06:31:42 pm »
I want to post a photo and no matter what I have tried,  the server will not allow me to do this.  Anyone have any ideas?  Is there something special that needs to be done.  I have never had any problems on other sites.  Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

Antique Questions Forum / Pictures
« on: April 23, 2005, 07:48:18 pm »
I want to post a picture of an item.  I keep getting the message that I can not upload this type of file.  Any help here.  

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