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Messages - FirstTimeGuest

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Antique Questions Forum / demographics-wise...who buys antiques?
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:57:24 am »

Antique Questions Forum / demographics-wise...who buys antiques?
« on: June 28, 2005, 11:47:18 am »
I am a student doing some research on the antique community and I am having trouble finding out who exactly buys antiques, collectibles, china, silver, etc.

Basically I am hoping a few ppl could chime in on their experiences with who buys antiques, collectibles, silver, china, etc from them with rough guesses on demographic categories such as:

Male/Female %age split

Age range estimates (under 30=X%, 30-40=Y%, 40-50=Z%, and so on)

Common interests other than antiques (If hobbies suggested could be framed in a *more or less likely than the avg person* way that would be very helpful, for example, since collectors obviously enjoy artistic objects are they also *more likely* to enjoythe theatre or (other event/hobby) because it is also artistic?)


Basically anything you could use to describe collectors would be greatly appreciated.  I understand that it's dangerous to just lump a group of people together because collectors are definitely a diverse group (heck, that's probably one reason they collect things). BUT nevertheless I'm looking for thigns that could describe *most* collectors or *many* collectors.  For example, I would never say that male antique collectors are usually homosexual, but could you say that more male antique collectors are homosexual than in the usual U.S. population?

Thank you very much for you help.


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