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Messages - Standing Bear

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Early Fur Robe 1913
« on: October 15, 2010, 06:08:35 am »
I have a fur robe from the Perfection Fur Robe Company of Chicago. It has a metal tag with a serial number on it. I would love to try to find the history of it. I'm not going to sell it or trade it or anything because of sentimental value. I just want to learn more about it. A frined of mine has a similar robe and he claims it's horse hair but I think it's bear. I'm glad to see that the company did make bear robes. I use mine on a regular basis as I am a Living History Re-enactor representing life of the Sioux pre-1840's so when in the tipi in February it keeps me warm. I will try to post pictures soon. If anyone can share a lead or two to help find information about this company or robe would be great.
Standing Bear

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