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Messages - Tor-eye

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / 100 yr old German Violin
« on: August 01, 2005, 02:42:59 pm »
yeah, ill prob. do that.
I dont think its a fake. I looked it up online and found some stuff on it, the year is scratched out and hard to read. ill have to go to another instrument store and ask.
but thanks for your reply

Antique Questions Forum / 100 yr old German Violin
« on: July 30, 2005, 03:25:59 am »
Hi, I recently recieved a Violin from my great grandma. She told me to sell it so I could get some money to use for school.
She told me that its a 100yr old German Student Violin. She took it to a Violin shop and the guy said it was made with good strong hand worksmanship.

I took a light and copied down the lettering inside the violin. There was a small dot that blocked out some letters

Antomus(dot here)radiuvarius Cremonenfis Faciebat Anno 17
I tried using a Translator, but it didnt turn out to be anything diffrent, so I dont know what it means. I'm assuming Anno 17 means Number 17, but thats all I can think of for that.

It came with 2 bow's. One is in excelent condition the violin guy said he would buy it for $100, but we wanted to sell the whole thing, he gave an estamte of about $1,500 dollars for the whole thing, but im trying to get a 2nd or more professional opinon if there is one out there.

Thanks for anyone who can help.

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