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Messages - CheckeredFlag

Pages: [1]
Thank you for taking time to research and reply to my posting.

I had seen the ones you mentioned that where on E-Bay, and yes there are several there. Only nothing even close to the one my aunt has. I did manage to find a dress form that "Hall Borchert Company" made in 1926. That is the oldest one I've seen.

I guess I should have left more info on the dress form. I was tired and didn't really think anyone would reply.

It sounds as though you may know have knowledge in vintage dress forms, so maybe if I post more info, you or someone else may be able to help.

Here is the info that I can share with you:
I do have photos of the piece. If you need, I can e-mail the photos. I can take more if needed.

1.) It is "LIFE SIZE" ( a little over five feet tall from the floor to the top of the shoulders )

2.) It is like you said...... shaped for a lady, with a very small waist line.
( My aunt whom is 71 years of age, says she wished she had had a figure like that. lol )

3.) It has three cast iron legs for the base that are marked with the company name and also patent dates.

4.) There is a fabric type tape measure around the waist line that includes ..... " Hall Borchert Dress Form New York N. Y." and the inch markings.

5.) The entire form is adjustable.

The newest info that I have gotten, was from a descendant of the Borchert family, that just happens to live in New York. He was very confused about the patent dates............ Oct. 1880, Jan. 1881 and July 1881. According to him ( I'm guessing someone had done a family tree thingy ), the ealiest date he has on his family tree was 1906 ........... hmmm now this really stirs the pot now doesn't it.

So here I am ............. wondering ............

Why can't I find anyone .... dealers ... collectors ... appraisers ... authors, that know about this piece that my aunt has?

Is this truely a rare find ?

Is there NOT another one out there that it can be compared to?

Again ..... Thank you for your time and efforts,

:huh:  Ok ....... Here's what I'm searching for ......
I'm looking for info on a 1881 Wire Dress Form made by Hall Borchert Dress Form Co. New York, N.Y.

32 years ago my aunt moved into an old farm house. That was when she first found it. ( In the attic ). But she left it there until she moved this month. She is now considering her options, but we need to know more.

Anyone with ANY info or direction ....... please help !! Thanks !!

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