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Messages - Dynasty

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / old wooden chairs
« on: August 10, 2005, 07:21:06 am »
Kewl thanks for the replies.:)  There's no upolstry(cant spell lol) it's all really thick, heavy wood the chairs, but  steel wool..would that scratch the stain off? it's that old dark stain on the chairs I like the look but I guess if I gotta sacrifice the looks for the smell, I will heehee :rolleyes:  

Antique Questions Forum / old wooden chairs
« on: August 08, 2005, 02:06:45 pm »
Ya know the old yucky smell that wood can get when it sits for years? Kinda like a mouldy smell, anyways, these old wooden chairs I picked up have it, I can't bring them in my house because of the smell. I used pledge and soapy water but it's still there. Is there a certain cleanser I can buy that gets rid of it?

Antique Questions Forum / washboards
« on: August 08, 2005, 02:02:48 pm »
Anyone know where I might find out more about this washboard I bought? Maybe another website about antiques or forums?

Antique Questions Forum / Norwich Brand Washboards
« on: August 07, 2005, 10:01:51 am »
New here, hoping someone could help me out. I just purchaced a washboard made by West, Taylor and Bickle Co. Limited. It says Norwich Brand NO3 Globe, Montreal and Winnipeg on it. Problem is I've searched everywhere I could possibly think for the history on the company. I found some info on West, Taylor and Bickle but it only says they made brooms in Toronto. Does anyone here collect washboards too? This is my first one, I know they aren't worth usually more then $30.00 CAN., but I'm so curious about their history.
 :D  have a nice day!

Antique Questions Forum / Norwich Brand Washboards
« on: August 07, 2005, 10:01:19 am »
New here, hoping someone could help me out. I just purchaced a washboard made by West, Taylor and Bickle Co. Limited. It says Norwich Brand NO3 Globe, Montreal and Winnipeg on it. Problem is I've searched everywhere I could possibly think for the history on the company. I found some info on West, Taylor and Bickle but it only says they made brooms in Toronto. Does anyone here collect washboards too? This is my first one, I know they aren't worth usually more then $30.00 CAN., but I'm so curious about their history.
 :D  have a nice day!

Pages: [1]