« on: August 24, 2005, 05:06:45 pm »
Hello. I'm new here and new to antiques as well. I'm looking for some information about a few pieces I have found while going through my grandmother's things. I'm not able to do pictures, so I hope you will be able to help me at least identify the markings on these bowls.
The first is a pink bowl, with a rose in the middle. The marking on the bottom is something like this. TH OM and PS ON directly underneath
with a line running between the TH, OM, and PS, ON and another line dividing the top and bottom. I take it to be Thompson, but am not sure.
The next is a white bowl with what looks to be lilacs in the middle. This marking is a little more difficult. It is a "crest" of sorts with BAVARIA written diagonally in it and a C and S on either side.
I would be very appreciative if anyone had an idea about these items. I have a garage sale coming up and am debating putting these out there without more information.
Thank you.