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Messages - WhoWasThatMaskedMan

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help me Date These Playing Cards?
« on: February 04, 2012, 05:58:44 pm »
Here's a playing card site that dates them to about 1930.

Awesome, didn't think it would be that easy  :)

And they go with my other 30s stuff lol.

Antique Questions Forum / Help me Date These Playing Cards?
« on: February 04, 2012, 03:52:23 pm »
Picked up this deck of cards today from a little antique store because they're just the kind of antique I love  ;)

After some quick research it looks like they were a promotional deck for JOB Cigarette Papers based in France.  The people at the store couldn't tell me much except that they came from a 90 year old woman.  They look fairly old but so far I haven't found another deck of these online so I don't know how old.  Any experts around?  Thanks.

Antique Questions Forum / Preserving an old magazine?
« on: May 02, 2011, 09:44:25 am »
I was at an estate sale yesterday and I picked up 2 issues of "Love Story Magazine" from 1934 and 35.  Now I don't read romance novels as a matter of course :D but I bought them for their classical art work; I think they make cool accent pieces. 
They do show their age, the edges are ragged and the pages are dry but they're still pretty nice to look at.  Question is how do I keep them that way?  Right now they're just resting casually on a table next to my 1930s record player, out of the direct sunlight.  Assuming my cat doesn't take an interest in them how long will they last like that?  I'm not really inclined to put them in a display case, I'm a bit too young for my place to be a museum  :P 

Anyone have any tips?  Thanks.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Record Player
« on: December 08, 2010, 09:13:15 pm »
Okay I'm back again  ;)

I've since discovered that this is a Garrard phonograph, not Victor after all.  The motor still works and after a little adjustment so does the speed control.  It runs 78 RPM on the fast setting and 45 on slow.  I found a crank for it, still itching to get rid of that brown tone arm though.  Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to test a record on it, I'd be really happy if I could play some classics on this now and then.  Still have to come up with a cable of some sort to connect the headphone jack to my amp.  Incidently I stumbled across this article about phonograph maintenance from a 1950 issue of Popluar Science, I'm finding it useful so maybe someone else will too  :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Record Player
« on: December 06, 2010, 08:48:24 pm »
Been searching around half the day and looking at various pictures.  I'm now convinced this was made by RCA-Victor, it looks very similar to this one I found:

Some time this week I think I'll grab a handful of bolts at the hardware store and try until I find one that fits the crank input.  If I can wind this thing up it'll answer a few questions.  I suspect the spring is good because when I flicked the switch to on the turntable moved a little.  I sure hope it works, it'd be alot of fun to play something on it   ;D

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Record Player
« on: December 06, 2010, 10:01:01 am »
The tone arm isn't original I'm quite certain, it's got a permanant needle on it instead of a changeable one.  I know it had a different arm because the spare needles came with it in a little metal container.  If I can figure out what crank it needs I'd be interested in aquiring one off you.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Record Player
« on: December 05, 2010, 10:42:01 pm »
It doesn't say what speed it runs at, all it has is a selector that goes from slow to fast.  It was set to slow when I got it.  That's not very helpful I guess   :P

Antique Questions Forum / Record Player
« on: December 05, 2010, 10:01:29 pm »
I was at an antique store today and I saw this old record player and fell in love with it  :)  According to the plaques on it it was made in 1935 for the Library of Congress, how it got to a store in Canada I don't know.  So I bought it as an accent piece for my place but even so I'd like to restore it a little bit.  I don't know if it works because the crank is missing, there's an empty pair of holders in the back of the case, I assume it's supposed to go there.  Also after looking closely I decided the arm isn't original because: a)The color doesn't match b)It's got wires under it c)It seems to have a non-changeable needle but there are spare needles in a little case in the back. 

So I'm wondering where I'd find a crank, all I know is that it goes into a hole on the side and I guess it fits inside the case for portability.  Also I wouldn't mind having an arm that matches.  Does anyone know where I'd find things like that? 

P.S. I know the pictures aren't the greatest but I can take more if you want, thanks!

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