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Messages - edande

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hmm I never thought of that! Have any idea where I could possibly find this or may it be one of a kind? I've looked but still have not came across one. Here are some better pictures and you can click them for larger..sorry about the first ones..those were cell phone pictures

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yes full size. It has that hook curve shape goldish color handle similar to a civil war sword but I do not want to jump ahead of myself but thank you for that information!!

Can someone please tell me where this is from and what it may be ?? It was found by my grandfather in the 50's in the middle of the woods (literally) in Fort Washington, MD but I do not think its from the United States.

As far as I am concerned I have no clue. No markings but fine detail and it is made up of a metal or iron(although a magnet did not stick to it) or something of that nature I believe. It does have weight to it. Please help if you can thanks

p.s. i believe that is a turban or a crown on his head... and yes it is damaged as it was found.OH I ALMOST FORGOT!! there was a sword also found near it but its with my grandmother. sigh but i may be able to get some pictures for you guys!

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