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Messages - Baulde

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: What the heck are these?
« on: February 09, 2011, 01:39:58 am »
It looks to me like the "Bolts" were there to hold planks onto the wheels. As it looks like there is still a plank attached on it on the back side.
And I would think they would be too thin to be able to withstand hard "work" aerating. Perhaps when all of the original planks were still attached it was used as a type of compactor.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 26, 2011, 04:48:37 pm »
Correct the powder did not dissolve in water. Did not discolor anything either. I tried mixing it pretty good as well. If it was a pen holder it would make for a very heavy pen. That brass "handle" is uncomfortable to hold like a pen.... but it is possible. It looks like the tube was put in and then the base was sealed onto the bell. Would explain how it got into the object.

It does not ring any any way. Unless a "thud" is a ring. The powder is VERY plentiful inside hard to tell how much though.

Xrays I believe can penetrate brass, should be able to make something out when comparing brass to brass in an xray. Where as the xray vs a person will not be as powerful.

I have tried to unscrew the tube with the knurled ring off. But it just spins forever and does not tighten or loosen in any way.


I was thinking, if this was a quill pen holder... would they really be making them AFTER 1945 ? Since that is the date range for that peerage stamp...

Still strange, wonder if I will ever know for SURE what this thing is.

Ill try to go back and edit the first post with modified information when I have some extra time to sit down in the next day or two

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:11:59 am »
I think the handle may hold something that gets dipped into the object and then removed for "work" ?

The bottom of the tube has what appears to be openings for whatever liquid or powder to enter said tube. Might just be plugged up. Or empty, and the powder is for weight.

I have tried unscrewing this tube but it only spins around in circles and does not tighten or loosen off. There was no disconcernable smell from the powder. Its not super fine, more like sand only all redish.

The powder only comes out from around the tube when the top washer is removed. Ill have to try poking around in the bottom of the tube.

Wonder if an xray would show the inside of it.... but I don't have any kind of access to an xray :P

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:35:09 am »
I am now starting to believe the bell base is part of an alcohol lamp/burner and the brass insert has nothing to do with it.  I have no idea what the crud inside is or is from.

would be quite the coincidence that the "handle" is not part of it Since its almost the perfect length to be inserted. And the "lip" on the handle is a perfect fit to stop it on the top of the inner tube. And prevents it from inserting any further. with a bit of a gap under it.... perhaps for whatever gets inserted into that nut ?
To "pick up" something that is stored in the main object ?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 26, 2011, 12:51:18 am »
I can see clearly now, the mystery is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark shrouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Shiny brassy day.

Hmmmm, is the handle hollow and is there a hole in the nut or is that just a solid end nut that threads on?  Straighten out a paper clip and see if the openings you see in the tube are actually openings into the bell body void.  Curious minds want to know.  The reddish stuff reminds me of red rouge used in polishing brass.  Is that what it is?

Ill have to try the wire trick later, I am no longer at the parents place. There is a space in the handle at the back of the nut. It threads in but it is probably 1/4 deeper then the end of the nut.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:51:35 pm »
Could that powder be the powdered remains of an old gasket?

Seriously doubt it. It feels like there is a significant amount in the object. As if it was to add weight. If it is not part of its function. I can shake a large amount of it around.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:29:45 pm »
Nope only two parts. Tried taking it apart right there but it looks solid. That tiny lip is where that handle rests on the inner tube.

I took a video of myself disassembling it.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:55:55 pm »
Photo with the nut. There is a hole in the middle of it as if it was meant for something to be inserted into the "handle" and then held in with said nut.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:45:51 pm »
more pictures

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:38:39 pm »
Some more pictures.

The center handle part that inserts does not go all the way into the bottom of the object. it actually rests on the tiny lip. The tube inside has a bottom that is about 1/2 and inch above the bottom of the object. Not sure what is holding it in.

The poweder was not black as I remember it. It is more of a red-ish brown. It is non flamable, does not desolve in water. And does not come out of the "tube" in the center with the threads on it. It falls out around the edges of the tube right where the threads are. I cannot tell if the entire object is filled with this.

I can look down into the tube and there are two spots that look like they open up into the object but nothing comes out of them. I have not tried filling it with water as I do not know what effect this would have, and do not want to fill it with water just to test things out. Although I believe it would be able to hold the water and not leak.

The handle that inserts as you can see has a small nut that can be removed right on the end.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 25, 2011, 03:28:40 pm »
I tried a rough diagram.


I would not say it actually "Seals" against the tube at the top. there is a small space. So its not air tight. And that tube can be turned with your fingers when the "ring/washer/collar" is not screwed down.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 25, 2011, 02:48:43 pm »
cogar is almost right on.

Ill get more photos today. Only that "washer"(collar and knurled ring are all the same item) screws onto the top of the bell. The bell is sealed on the bottom. It is only a brass shape. It is flat on the bottom with the peerage stamp.

The washer screws onto a tube that goes from the top of the bell to the bottom. The tube can spin in the bell.
The tube has threads right on the top of it.
The tube will not seem to pull out.
The washer screws down on this tube quite tight and it becomes very fixed in position and then the tube and washer then refuse to move or turn.
The washer/collar does not hold the tube in. The washer/collar screws on this tube(which can spin/turn when the collar is not screwed down) and the tube pulls up into the collar and then everything is "tight" the tube inside will not seem to pull out even with the force of the collar screwed onto it and trying to pull it out.

The extra "handle" type item is inserted into the top of the bell in the center of the washer that is screwed onto the top of the tube that will not come out of the bell. The handle item fits inside the tube that will not come out.

The nut on the end of the handle item sits on the bottom of the base of the brass bell when inserted.

Ill get more photos tonight as see if I cannot remove some of the confusion

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 25, 2011, 01:26:15 am »
The 3rd pic has the brass item that is inserted into the top of the brass object.
The item in the 3rd pic is seen in the first picture only most of it is inside the bell object.

Ill take more photos of this tomorrow when I am at my parents place. Ill take it apart to its pieces and measure it see what this crowd makes of it then.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 24, 2011, 06:04:36 pm »
I would be amazed if it was black powder and my dad did not recognize it. He is the go to guy for identifying old rifles. He gets calls from the gun club to teach reloading, identifying firearms, even down to the minute details if everything is 100% original etc...

So if it is black powder or related in anyway to firearms it would blow my mind he was unable to identify it.

The part in the bottom photo is in the first photo. It is inserted into the top of the bell. You can see the two parts together in the first photo, but you can only see the very end of the nub thing. It goes in the hole in the bell and sits on the bottom of the object.

*Edit* The long part that "inserts" into the bell simply slides into the tube that is in the bell. It will fall out if you were to turn it upside down. There is no guarantee this is even originally with the bell or someone just stuck it in there.

If it is somehow related to firearms I would like to see his face explaining that to him.... Something related to firearms that he "missed".

Ill have to take some measurements but I estimate its only about six inches tall.

Antique Questions Forum / Another what the heck is this item thread.
« on: January 24, 2011, 05:37:39 pm »
My old man and mom seem to collect all manner of items. And usually mah dear old Pa. Is pretty sharp on identifying items others cannot. But he purchased a box of items at the auction for a few things he wanted and this was included in the box. I have asked around and nobody I have talked to seems to have even a clue what it "could be"

If anyone can shed some light on this it would be appreciated. Ill describe it as best I can.

Pictures are included.

It is a brass bell shape with an "insert". The very top brass "ring" with the knurling unscrews. There is a tube the drops to the bottom of the bell. It is heavy and full of a black powder. very little of this powder will come out if shaken. Almost as if there are two small holes at the bottom of the tube in the middle. The tube will not pull out. but can spin and wiggle a little bit when the top "washer" is taken off. When the top ring is screwed back on it stops said tube from moving as the ring screws right onto the tube.

The "insert" has a nut on the bottom that can be removed. Its almost as if something was supposed to be screwed into this insert and then placed into this bell.

On the bottom it has "Peerage" "Made In England" stamped onto the bottom.

I'm really curious as to what this could be.

 - E

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