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Messages - Hawkslady91

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More pictures... the black is off... any ideas

There is no conduit.  There is no hole in the base, just the gaps in the design.  Thank you everyone for your help.  Still couldn't definitely say what they are.  Everyone in the family is researching and no one has found anything.  Guess it is time to bite the bullet and take them to an antique appraiser.  Would hate to set them outside if they are really, really old, or even if they are one of a kind. 

clarification on the paint.  The paint if that is what it is comes off chalky, it feels like charcoal in water.  My husband has never seen paint like this. 

As to a signature, we can find no marks or signatures of any kind.

The paint is a flat black paint.  It will rub off with a little work.  Have not wanted to take too much of it off.  Do not know if it modern paint.  Do not know how to tell.

There are no screws attaching them together.  Researched Andirons for a long time with no luck.  There are what appear to be screw holes on the top of each piece.  Hence "Candlestick Lamps", but do not know if that is original to the piece or something added later.

Thank you for the replies.

Please help me identify these?  I picked up the pair at a garage sale with the intent of using them outdoors as candle holders.  After several people commented on their uniqueness and started asking about them I tried finding anything I could on the internet.  No luck.  Took them to a local antique dealer for identification, "Are you interested in saling them?"  "Do you really have the pair?"  They appear to be really old.  You will have to have them appraised, we really can't tell you anything?.... Ok no help there.  So, if anyone out there knows what these are, age, origin, value etc.  I would really appreciate it.  We have spent at least two weeks researching with no luck.  They are 21" high.  They have a coat of flat black paint on them.  They appear to be hand made, not manufactured.  The metal underneath is some type of brass, bronze, gold, or mix of the three.  If you flick the metal underneath a gong resonates.  It's quite a beautiful sound.  I have attached pictures.  Thank you in advance for any and all help.

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