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Messages - lupose

Pages: [1]
The young man in the painting is looking less like Ludwig...

In particular, the nose, cheekbones, and curly hair seem to be different in the oil painting.

I agree, unless this is Uhland very young (before his hair got curly? lol), I doubt that it's actually him. I guess it will only become more clear when I ask my aunt about it and contact the university.

Wow, thanks for the feedback guys! I'm so thrilled with the responses! Very helpful indeed. Great idea contacting the university! My dad speaks German so that's certainly a possibility. The image you found is very helpful Mario54, thank you!

I'm going to be speaking with my great aunt soon, so she might know a bit more about the painting's origins.

Really think that's a signature eh? I was a little discouraged, because the same colour is used for some detail on the chair in the opposite corner...

Do you think using the castle in the background to determine a location would be useful? I though it looked a bit like Godesburg on the Rhine river. Although I do know Uhland has poems about castles, so the background may just be a homage and not a real location...

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Oil Portrait of Ludwig Uhland (1787-1862)
« on: February 28, 2011, 06:40:19 pm »
Here are some photos of the piece!

I had a second look at the "signature" and decided it was just some detail in the shadow I mistook as a signature at first glance. I included it nonetheless, since it showed the condition of the painting's surface. The back is included as well and I can post close ups of the newspaper article if needed. If you know German, the article could be useful, hehe.

Antique Questions Forum / Oil Portrait of Ludwig Uhland (1787-1862)
« on: February 27, 2011, 04:48:55 pm »
I've recently inherited an oil painting with a newspaper clipping on the back, identifying the portrait as Ludwig Uhland. He was a German philosopher and apparently quite influential in his time and deemed "the conscience of Germany". I have my doubts whether it is Uhland however, since the man (or boy) in the portrait appears quite youthful, although there is a slight resemblance. I cant make out the signature, but there is one on the bottom right, no visible date. If it is indeed a young Ludwig Uhland, it would be quite old...

The painting is on wood panel and has a plaster frame, which is damaged. The frame looks to be maybe 30s era, but could be original, not certain. Please respond for photos or more info! I'm curious whether this is a case of mistaken identity or the real deal!


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