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Messages - mysticallstar

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hello :)

   It's been a while since I've been on this site, but I have a new purchase that I am a bit curious about... I picked up a somewhat old looking rosary while on vacation just because I liked it ( & because my other rosary broke, and I decided to buy a new one but I was having problems liking some of the new ones I've seen for sale...anyways I found this one while hunting for a birthday gift for my mom in an antique shop).  I know that rosaries are a bit tough to date, as the style doesn't change drastically like some other items do...but I still was wondering if anyone could help me with this.

I've taken pictures...

the rosary is about 17 and 3/8 of an inch (i accidentally cut off the one picture), the crucifix is about an inch and a half, the medal is about 1/2", and the beads are about 3/16"-4/16".

The medal has two different depictions.  On the front side it's The Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I can't really make out what was on the back as it is worn down a bit...There is writing above the figure, which I can piece together that it is NS DE Fatima (Our Lady of Fatima).

I'm not good at telling apart metals, etc. the chains to me are a bronze color, and the medal/crucifix looks like it was maybe some sort of silver or whatever (aluminum, tin, i really don't know), but it's really dingy at the moment...and i'm not sure how to clean it.

The back of the crucifix says ROME in the center, but near the bottom ITALY is stamped off to the side.  (which all the ones I've seen lately only say ITALY)

And then the beads are different than what I've seen recently...They aren't all completely smooth...there are some beads where in the middle you can feel where each half of the bead overlaps each other if that makes any sense

So that's all I can really tell you about it at the moment.  I've been trying to look it up myself online, but I'm not finding a whole lot of information that I would really call valuable.  So any help would be appreciated :D



I'm not sure what the dirt is, I'll take a better look at it tomorrow...For as long as I can remember the vase has been in the parlor on an end table with other antiques, vases, etc...I highly doubt that it was used as a coffee urn/breaker while it was in my grandmother's possession (but who knows if it was before that...I never would have thought of that being a possible use for it).  My grandmother was always VERY particular about such items, that if it was on display somewhere, it wasnt to be used for anything other than something to look at.  You have no idea the amount of china sets/wine decanters, stemware, tea sets, coffee sets, etc we found in her house, all because she didn't want to use the actual good items/items of possible value.

An auction mark is actually something I didn't think of...but the mark isn't really typical ink...i'm not sure how to explain it.  If I have an extra minute tomorrow I'll try to get a better photo of it.  To me it almost looks like it has been painted on.  Also, I just wonder how many auctions back then would have marked their items in such a way (I've only been to a few auctions so I have no clue on that one). 

thanks for the ideas :D

Thanks! I agree too...this vase is absolutely beautiful, it's one of my favorite things that I inherited from her house. And I'll check into those makers...I never even thought to consider it to be art glass...I learn something new every day :)

Wendy, the detailed top in the Mount Washington vase that you linked me to does remind me of mine, as does the writing on the bottom of the vase in that link as well (only that had a bit more written on the bottom than mine does).

The vase is older than what I initially thought, I talked to my grandmother about it again today (it seems now that the auction is in the past, she's a little more willing to talk about these things) and she told me that it came from my grandfather's parent's house... She also did mention that once upon a time there was a note about this vase, as well as the other items that were on the table she kept it on, in which she wrote where everything came from, how old it was thought to be, where they got it etc, but she remembers the note disappearing years before we sold the house 

Thanks again!


^this piece looks very familiar to me, almost looks like something I just inherited as well.  I have a punch bowl that appears to have a similar pattern on it...I can't tell too well from your photos so I'll include a link to mine, do they look similar to you?

If it does, I have a little information on my piece. From what I've been told, my grandparents were given this punch bowl, glasses, and a few other pieces that matched for their wedding gift from my great grandmother (they were married around 1946). they were my great grandmother's and she received them years before that as a gift (I believe anniversary gift)...I really don't remember the story, but for whatever reason I want to say that my grandmother remembers her mother having them when she was a child, I really don't see them being a wedding gift to my great grandmother as that would date the pieces to be around late 1800's/early 1900's. My pieces have absolutely no markings on them either...

anyways, let me know if they match what you have in that one photo, and I'll definitely fill you in as I find out more information!


Hello everyone!  It's been almost a year since my grandmother sold her house and I'm finally getting around to attempting to identify some items that I got from her house.  The first item that I am hoping that someone on here could help me with is this following print that I found in the back of her closet with a few others (the others I was able to identify somewhat)...

I'm not really sure if it could be classified as a print or not, it looks more like an old photograph to me (the ink has that old time look to when the light hits it a certain way kind of like my family photos do that were taken in the early 1900's), but I really have no clue about these things.

It was in an older frame, which I have removed it from at the moment (the glass is cracked and I would like to replace the glass). The print/photo/whatever-it-is looks to be glued to the matting/heavy paper, and on the back of it is an old 2cent washington stamp, as well as a series of numbers in red pencil 13485. As far as I can tell there are no signatures of any kind on it to help me with the identification.

I'd ask my grandmother about this print, but being 99years old her memory of where she acquired the items that were in the back of her closet isn't the greatest. And honestly it wouldn't surprise me if this was something my great aunt picked up years ago, and after she passed my grandmother just put it all in a closet. (My great aunt had a habit for buying things such as this, some of value, and some are not).

The second item I am curious about is this vase...

I'm almost positive that it's nothing that was made before the 1900's (all of her glassware antiques that were 100 years old or so she put a note in or under them saying how old they were/what/and where they came from etc.) But there is always a chance that this is older than what we thought and the note got lost...I do believe that had this been auctioned off the auctioneer wanted it to go separately (not on a tray lot of vases), although the night  before the auction the family was able to go through and take things that wasn't officially listed (this wasn't), and well the main auctioneer wasn't there that night so I didn't get to ask him if he knew anything about it. My grandmother has had this since as long as I can remember and I'm 25 so I know it's at least that old.  The only markings on it are on the bottom W254. and they appear almost to be hand written, or at least not stamped.  The colors on the glass are a sky blue and white. 

so if anyone could help me identify them I'd greatly appreciate it.  I'll even take guesses as to what you may think it is, or if you know of any websites or books that could help I'd appreciate that too :D

thank you all so much!


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