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Messages - kizh

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find me a 17" one with a 50" circumference for $50 in even 1950 dollars.

I need a matching one!

most gazing balls are 100% reflective and used in gardens.

I think this lamp is a little different, but what do I know!

It is much like a gazing ball, but I think its more crafted than mass produced.  Keep in mind its 17" high, I havent seen anything close to that on google yet.

I think its closer to sapphire's link, possibly some high end furnishings store.  It wasn't a family heirloom, so it probably goes back to the 60's or 70's, and it was given to me by my grandmother who was VP of a major bank.  I think she liked shiny things, price did not matter to her back then.  At the same time she was very worried about what people thought of her, and I doubt she would have a guest looking at a $50 lamp in her house.

I guess this could be more 'vintage' than antiques, but I am loving all the comments.  I appreciate it a lot.

I could really care less about the price, unless I could get rich off it.  I'd probably keep it even if it were worth a couple grand.  I have this urge to know where it came from.

I was really into M.C. Escher back then, and looking into this was just like that print he has where he is looking into a ball.

its just a dimmer.

I agree, its not really that old.  I guess I don't know what classifies as an antique.  40 years too early?  I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction to finding out more about it.

Maybe instead of an antiques forum I should find an art forum.  I don't think these were mass produced. 

Hi everyone

I'm new here, I am looking for someone to enlighten me on what exactly I have.

My grandmother had a lamp that I was always fascinated with and when she remodeled sometime in the 80's she gave it to me.  I used it for about 4 years, then had it in storage for another 25.  I had seen something similar in an antiques store that was roughly 1/3 to 1/2 the size and it was priced at $300.  This was probably 15 years ago at least.

It is roughly 17" high and 50" circumference.  It is cut on one side so it will stand on the base.  There are no markings at all.  I'm guessing it was bought in the Southern California area.  There's some minor defects, like a small air pocket in one spot and it looks like whatever was brushed on the inside missed a very small streak.  I've attached 3 photos

Thanks for any help you can give, from history to approximate value.

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