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Messages - gpgxc5

Pages: [1]
Sorry it took so long. Here They are, if you want me to remove the black material let me know

Just looking at the pictures, could you make an estimate of what the chair is worth before and after restoration?


I Can get the photo tomorrow prolly. I'm in the hospital and should get out tomorrow. Should I pull the black netting off the bottom so you can see better? The cusion is really dense, kinda weird, it weighs a lot. But it makes the chair pretty comfy. What about the stuffing do you want to know? Thanks for the help too!

Hey everyone, I'm new, and was wondering about this chair I've got. My mom gave it to me saying that it was at least my great grandparents (early 1900's), and could possibly be my great great (late 1800's). My great great grandparents lived in Virginia and might have picked it up there, after that they moved to North Carolina, so we're pretty sure it came from one of the 2 states. I know absolutely nothing about antiques and wood types or stains. I looked all over the chair and couldn't find any names or dates. May be under the netting on the bottom??? It has springs underneath it, so I don't know if that automatically means it's to new to be an antique. I've tried googling types of furniture during certain time periods, and honestly, it all looks the same lol. The chairs upholstery is pretty rough in spots, so it'd have to be redone, the wood looks worn in places, I don't know if thats bad to collectors? Can it be fixed? I know you all are busy, but if anyone could either help me out or lead me in a good direction it'd be much appreciated. If its worth a lot I may sell it, if not I'll probably hang on to it.

Pictures below, hopefully they can help. From looking around at pictures, possibly victorian???

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