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Messages - Connie G.

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / I need some help, please
« on: December 03, 2005, 01:38:27 am »
I'm new (just now) so please excuse any errors.  I have 12 knives, 12 forks and a serving spoon that are old---probably 1800's---sterling with mother of pearl handles.  There are actually 6 each of two different patterns.  On the knives of one set it says "Universal (and under that) U F & C".  The pattern with the serving spoon has three small "boxes" and below the center one, another "box".  These little "Boxes" have something in them that (with my magnifying glass) I believe must be ---What are those markings called?  I have no idea what they are worth (actually what any of my antiques are worth) and I plan to sell them later today or perhaps Monday.

Two other silver items as long as I'm here:  I have a 5 piece coffee and tea service "Mfd and plated by Reed and Barton, Design Pat. April 28, 1874, Gilt, (and a number) 2669.  I don't know what it is worth either, and it's going to be sold.  The silver plated tray that I have thought for 25 years went with the coffee and tea set (I didn't pay any attention to the two different patterns---just noticed them tonight---duh...) Is Wilcox silver plate, a number 465, and something I had difficulty making out even with the magnifier: (L?)UADRUPLE PLATE.  I'm just now wondering if that could be 'quadruple plate'.  It's going to be sold, too.

If anyone out there has an idea of what this stuff is worth, please let me know.  Thanks!

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