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Messages - ConfusedFellow

Pages: [1]
Hello! I've come to your wonderful forums in search of some information regarding the following (can't seem to get a google hit for it at all).

My father recently purchased an old F.E. Myers Hand Pump, and is wondering about its value? I can't seem to find any information online.
It has a few different things on it, I'll list those and hopefully someone can tell me more!

-Ashland, O, USA (I assume that's where it was manufactured)


-A 1014

Aug 1, 99
Apr 8, 01
Mar 7, 11

Thanks guys, as I've said I've reached a dead end. If no-one knows anything about it, where could I find some folks who do?

Thank you all very much for your time, as my search has come up quite empty handed!  God bless!

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